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Actors Gilbert Roland and Constance Bennett signed this Marriage License in 1941 - Roland with his birth name of "Luis Damaso Alonso". The two were married until their divorce in 1946.

Price: $400.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Actors Gilbert Roland and Constance Bennett signed this Marriage License in 1941 - Roland with his birth name of "Luis Damaso Alonso". The two were married until their divorce in 1946.
Document signed: "Luis Damaso Alonso" and "Constance Bennett" as Contracting Parties. Also signed by the Clerk of the Yuma County, Arizona Superior Court, the minister who performed the marriage ceremony and two witnesses, 1p, 8¼x13½, docketed on verso. 1941 April 20. Roland and Bennett signed this Marriage License to certify that they were married in Yuma, Arizona on April 20, 1941 by the Reverend J. C. Bobb. They were married until their divorce in June 20, 1946. It was the first of two marriages for Roland and the fourth of five marriages for Bennett. In a movie career of more than half a century (1925-1982), GILBERT ROLAND (1905-1994, born Luis Antonio Dámaso de Alonso in Juárez) played dashing leading men in both silent and talking films. Originally trained as a bullfighter, he was the only genuine Mexican to portray the Cisco Kid on screen (in eleven films). Roland received two Golden Globe nominations as Best Supporting Actor for The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) and Cheyenne Autumn (1964). The sister of actress Joan Bennett, CONSTANCE BENNETT (1905-1965) appeared in silent movies of the 1920s, then returned to movies in the 1930s in fallen woman and light comedy roles. Her films included Topper (1937) and Paris Underground (which she also produced, 1945). Lightly toned. Roland's signature has bled lightly but is legible. Bennett's signature is lightly smeared but legible. Some signatures touch. Fold creases. Otherwise, fine condition.

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