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Autograph given with an ironic quotation, a traditional closing of a legal document. A very rare signature! Autograph Note signed: "Lokbya [?], California/25 August 1942/Herewith my hand and seal/as per your request/H. L.…"

Price: $220.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Autograph given with an ironic quotation, a traditional closing of a legal document. A very rare signature!
Autograph Note signed: "Lokbya [?], California/25 August 1942/Herewith my hand and seal/as per your request/H. L. Davis", 3½x2½ card, accompanied by 3½x2½ card with typed list of his major awards. Harold L. "H. L." Davis (1884-1960) published his first poems in Poetry magazine in 1919, receiving a congratulatory letter from Carl Sandburg. His first novel, Honey in the Horn, a coming-of-age novel set in his native Oregon, won a Pulitzer Prize and the Harper Prize (1936). He did not finish another novel until 1941, and although critics said his writing was getting even better, the subsequent novels did not sell as well. Winds of Morning (1952) was a Book of the Month Club selection, however.  Toned. Adhesive residue at top edge on verso. Otherwise, fine condition.

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