Price: $500.00
Check for $36.83, written to the California Music Company.
Check signed: "Harold Lloyd", 6¾x2¾. Hollywood, California, 1958 April 26.
Un-numbered check, drawn on his personal account at the California bank, payable to
California Music Co. for $36.83. Entirely filled out in Lloyd's hand. Harold Lloyd
(1893-1971, born in Beverly Hills, California) made his film debut in 1912 with the Edison
company as an extra. In the next few years, he had bit parts in Keystone and Universal
comedies. Between 1916 and 1917, Lloyd appeared in about 100 shorts for Hal Roach as
Lonesome Luke, a character they created. In 1917, Roach experimented with a new character
for Lloyd: an average young man wearing a pair of oversized black horn-rimmed glasses that
were to become Lloyd's trademark for the rest of his brilliant comedy career. The
thrill-comedy situations involving dangerous stunts were characteristic of his films. Lloyd
dangling from atop a skyscraper with nothing to hold on to but the hand of a clock (Safety
Last, 1923) is one of the most famous scenes in the history of film comedy. No doubles
were ever used. In the 1920s, his films often outdrew at the box office those of his rivals,
Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton. Lloyd's "go-getter" style, associated with the
"roaring twenties," went out of fashion during the Depression, and he went into
comfortable semi-retirement, returning for one final film in 1947. He was financially
comfortable and involved in personal interests, including the Shriners. He did make one
appearance on the Ed Sullivan show the year he signed this check. Vertical fold at center.
Multiple ink stamps have bled lightly. Otherwise, fine condition.
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