Sale Price $345.00
Reg. $420.00
Sepia photo of the actress soon to become a politician
Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Phil Light/with all good
wishes/Sincerely/Helen Gahagan." Sepia, 8x10. Helen Gahagan (1909-1981)
starred in Broadway musicals of the 1920s before marrying actor Melvyn Douglas
in 1931. She made only one feature film, She (1933, based on
the novel by H. Rider Haggard). A Democrat, she was elected to Congress in
1944, and soon began a rather open affair with Congressional colleague Lyndon
Johnson (both spouses had remained in their home states). In 1950, she
ran for a US Senate seat from California against Richard Nixon. It was a very
nasty campaign, with Nixon calling Douglas "the Pink Lady," "pink right down to
her underwear," while she became the first to call Nixon "Tricky Dick."
(Nixon won, with 59% of the vote, and became Vice President two years
later.) Fine condition.
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