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TLS: "Hendrik Willem van Loon", 1p, 8½x11. New York City, 1919 February 21. On letterhead of The Nation to unknown recipient. In full: "Forget poor Nelly and her nickelish Fate..... NEVER.…"

Price: $800.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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HENDRIK WILLEM van LOON. TLS: "Hendrik Willem van Loon", 1p, 8½x11. New York City, 1919 February 21. On letterhead of The Nation to unknown recipient. In full: "Forget poor Nelly and her nickelish Fate..... NEVER. But what is the use? I am a hundred years old and I have had too much war and I am utterly and hopelessly disgusted with the arrangement-for-making-a-living, commonly called 'business' (for the National is merely an intellectual passtime (sic) and I write this grossly engaged in the very uncomfortable Export and Import Business) and I wisht (sic) as that I could write for the Movies and be rich and wear a golden coat and do all the things which in my Spinoza-esque existence I was trying to forget. But honest Injun, I had a very pleasant time and I hope that you were not bored and then I felt that the Curtain went down and I returned to my histories. It is a pleasant discovery indeed, to find that I was mistaken (inverted sentence showing Dutch origin) and if you have nothing to do next Tuesday preferred Thrusday (sic) or Friday night I will call for you with the Subway or the streetcar (ever ride in one?) and I shall take you to a place where Godelpus, they will give you food and liker (sic, liquor) and I am, with the sincere expression of my profound admiration (influence of Spanish great-grandfather) most sincerely yours." Two words (bolded) in van Loon's hand. At the lower margin, van Loon has drawn a pen-and-ink sketch. Dutch-born American author, journalist and illustrator Hendrik Willem van Loon (1884-1944) is best known for The Story of Mankind (1921), a children's guide to world history that he wrote and illustrated, for which he received the first Newbery Medal in 1922. Van Loon, who lectured at Cornell University on European history and was Professor of Social Sciences at Antioch College, also wrote a number of other works, including The Story of the Bible (1923), Tolerance (1925) and America (1927), Ships & How They Sailed the Seven Seas (1935), The Arts of Mankind (1937), Van Loon's Lives (1942) and a fictional biography of Rembrandt van Rijn (1930). An Associate Editor of the "Baltimore Sun" from 1923-1924, van Loon was also known for his radio talks, broadcast in the U.S. and to Holland, and lectures. Although he never became the rich movie screenwriter that he envisions in this letter, van Loon's The Story of Mankind was filmed in 1957 (Charles Bennett was the screenwriter). Folds, light vertical fold touches the "m" of Willem. Pencil notes (unknown hand) on verso. Fine condition.


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