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Ink signature on a 4x2 slip with clipped corners 3¾x1¾ with clipped corners.

Price: $100.00

Condition: Lightly soiled, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Ink signature on a 4x2 slip with clipped corners
3¾x1¾ with clipped corners. Horatio King (1811-1897), previously a newspaper editor, was employed by the US Post Office as a clerk in Washington in 1839, and rose through the Department to become first Assistant Postmaster General (1854, under Campbell), and then Postmaster General in the final month of the Buchanan Presidency (February-March 1861). Responding to an inquiry about the franking privilege from a South Carolina Congressman, King was the first federal official to formally deny that states had a right to secede from the Union. King remained in Washington during the Civil War, helping to supervise emancipation in that city, and was active afterwards in the Monument Society, hastening completion of the Washington Monument. While a lawyer in private practice, he successfully lobbied Congress to introduce the Penalty Envelope, an envelope for official business warning of a stiff "penalty for private use." Stray ink at upper edge. Lightly soiled. Pencil notes (unknown hand) on verso. Otherwise, fine condition.

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