Humanitarians & Philanthropists | Applications / Resumes
Top Signers
LYMAN G. BLOOMINGDALE - APPLICATION SIGNED 10/24/1896 - HFSID 325160His signed 1896 application to the Lafayette Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. A Civil War veteran, he co-founded Bloomingdales Department Store. Extremely rare! Application signed: "Lyman G. Bloomingdale", in brown ink, 1 page, 8½x14.
Sale Price $625.00
DAVID SUMMERS - AUTOGRAPH RESUME SIGNED - HFSID 307492The actor's handwritten resume from the archive of Theatre World and Screen World, a comprehensive record of American stage and film since 1945 Autograph Resume signed, 1 page, 8½x11. New York City, no date.
Price: $120.00