Humanitarians & Philanthropists | Notes
Top Signers
THOMAS DYKE (11TH BARONET) ACLAND - THIRD PERSON AUTOGRAPH NOTE - HFSID 81105British statesman writes third-person note to a friend in London Third person autograph note: "To be sent to/ Lady Harriet Haflestern/ Grosvenor Square/ with T.W. Ackland's most affectionate regards" in brown ink. 1 page, 7x4½, affixed to irregularly cut 7x7 piece of paper.
Sale Price $165.00
CLEVELAND AMORY - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 18394Autograph note to George Sanders Radio/TV host from the founder of the Fund for Animals Autograph note signed: "For George/With thanks -/Cleveland Amory", 5¼x7¾. Ink caption (unknown hand) at lower edge.
Price: $90.00
ROBERT O. ANDERSON - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 1982 - HFSID 343615The oil refinery and land owner signs his name on this card Autograph note signed: "H.J.L.-/with best wishes/Robert O. Anderson/Xmas 1982" in black ink. 5x3. With envelope postmarked Los Angeles, California, December 14, 1982. 20c stamp affixed. Chicago-born Robert O.
Price: $140.00
MARY ANTIN - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED CIRCA 1921 - HFSID 344464The immigration activist and acclaimed author signs her name on this piece of personal stationary to a fan Autograph note signed: "To Mr. Elwin A. Elsbach,/Greetings from/Mary Antin" in black ink. 8½x11.
Price: $140.00
DONNA AXUM - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 34154Short note signed by Donna Axum, Miss America 1964, with her "Best Wishes". Affixed to an album leaf with a short newspaper clipping on Axum. She was the first Miss Arkansas to earn the national Miss America title.
Price: $100.00
CLARA BARTON - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 27985Clara Barton sends an autograph letter on the back of her engraved business card about coming to visit over Christmas. Engraved "Clara Barton/President of the American National Association of the Red Cross," 3¼x2¼ card. Engraved at lower right: "Washington, D.C.…"
Price: $550.00
DANIEL C. BEARD - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 1913 - HFSID 268157The founder of the Boy Scouts of America cheers Culver Academy, where his program began. Autograph Note signed: "Yea Culver!/Dan Beard/His [sketch of campfire in front of a tent] Mark/1913", 5¼x3. On sheet imprinted "Manhattan Limited/Pennsylvania Lines".
Sale Price $245.00
DANIEL C. BEARD - THIRD PERSON TYPED NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 154903Third-Person Typed Note signed: "Dan Beard", 1p, 5¾x7¾. Flushing, L.I., New York, 1906 April 12. On his imprinted personal letterhead. In full: "Mr.…"
Price: $375.00
NORMAN E. BORLAUG - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 05/28/1976 - HFSID 201713Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman E. Borlaug signed and dated this index card "With best wishes" in 1976 Autograph Note signed "For Bruce Weiss/With best wishes/Norman E. Borlaug/May 28, 1976" in blue ink. Blue ink and lead pencil notations on verso in unknown hand.
Price: $260.00
MALCOLM BOYD - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 30265The Episcopal priest and Civil Rights activist signs this 4¼x2½ card Autograph note signed: "To Merv Slotnick/Peace and love,/Malcolm Boyd" 4¼x2½. Malcolm Boyd (b. 1923) is an American Episcopal priest and author.
Price: $160.00
NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER - TYPED NOTE SIGNED 01/19/1937 - HFSID 17744This letter to Clyde Howes is signed by the President of Columbia University Typed letter signed: "Nicholas M Butler" as President of Columbia University, ¼p, 8x10½. New York, 1902 January 14. On letterhead of Columbia University to Mr. Samuel W. Hamilton, New York.
Price: $320.00
ERWIN D. CANHAM - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 343886The editor pens a note for a fan on this 7x2¾ Autograph Note Signed: "Greetings to Ralph E. Wand, Jr./ Erwin D. Canham" in black ink. 7x2¾. Erwin D. Canham (1904-1982) was an editor of internationally distributed daily newspaper, and a speaker, writer and commentator.
Price: $160.00
PRESIDENT JAMES E. "JIMMY" CARTER - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED CIRCA 1976 - HFSID 266117Jimmy Carter writes an autograph note on a memo to Pat Anderson. Autograph Note Signed: "J", 1p, 8½x11. No place, no date, but circa August-November 1976. To "Pat-". In full: "You did a fine job on this -".
Price: $1,200.00
PRESIDENT JAMES E. "JIMMY" CARTER - PRINTED NOTE SIGNED IN INK WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 48097Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter sign a printed note of thanks. Printed Note signed: "Jimmy Carter" and "Rosalynn Carter", below facsimile signatures, 7¼x7½.
Sale Price $245.00
JACK KENT COOKE - TYPED NOTE SIGNED 12/27/1991 - HFSID 221327The owner of several professional sports teams types this letter to a Canadian teacher Typed Letter signed: "Jack Kent Cooke" as Washington Redskins Chairman of the Board, 1p, 6x8¼. Middleburg, VA, 1991 December 27.
Sale Price $250.00
ELIZABETH S. COOLIDGE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 320171The prominent music patron sends thanks for a basket of flowers. Autograph Letter signed: "Elisabeth S. Coolidge", 1 page, 7x9. Ye Wells Hotel, Llandrindod Wells [Wales], no date. To "Dear Mr. & Mrs.…"
Price: $200.00
NORMAN COUSINS - TYPED NOTE SIGNED 07/06/1982 - HFSID 17813Norman Cousins signed this letter, typed on UCLA letterhead, to an autograph hunter in1982, four years after he left Saturday Review. Typed letter signed "Norman Cousins" in blue ink.
Sale Price $150.00
MARGARET DELAND - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 79485Signed Autograph Note on a 4x5 sheet Autograph Note signed: "We were so/sorry not to/see you this/morning -/Sincerely/Margaret Deland/Saturday/112 Mt. Vernon Square", 3¾x6.
Sale Price $165.00
MORRIS FISHBEIN - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 04/30/1948 - HFSID 17898Doctor and JAMA editor Morris Fishbein wrote a short note on this guestbook page and "Signed for Hildegarde for the fourth time and may it be four hundred" in 1948 Autograph note signed "Morris Fishbein MD" and, in postscript, "MF", both in blue ink.
Price: $100.00
MORRIS FISHBEIN - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 9-19 - HFSID 17899Doctor and JAMA editor Morris Fishbein wrote a short note on this guestbook page that "I always look lower than the eyebrows" for singer Hildegarde. Autograph note signed "Morris Fishbein" in brown ink. With six other unknown signatures on front and verso. 1 page, 94.
Price: $100.00
GOLD STAR WIVES - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 12/06/1965 - HFSID 142767A note from the New York Chapter of the Gold Star Wives to a soldier, thanking him for his service Autograph note signed: "Gold Star Wives of/America", in blue ink, 5¾x4½. December 6, 1965.
Price: $80.00
SHERRY HACKETT - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 270629Autograph note from Sherry Hackett, the wife of comedian Buddy Hackett, about the John Wayne Cancer Clinic: "this is such a unique research and treatment center". Accompanied by an unsigned illustration of John Wayne by Larry Bees and the John Wayne Cancer Institute.
Sale Price $85.00
JEAN HERSHOLT - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 7/1940 - HFSID 42807Jean Hersholt signs an autograph note on a yellow album leaf. Autograph note signed: "To Margaret Main/My sincere wishes to you./Jean Hersholt/July 1940.", 6x4¼ yellow album leaf.
Price: $240.00
DOLORES (MRS. BOB) HOPE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 270219Dolores Hope and Phyllis Diller write on a note pad. Autograph Note Signed: "Dolores", 1p, 5½x8½. No place, no date. Written on pictorial sheet imprinted "A Thriller from Diller" to comedienne and actress Phyllis Diller. In full: "Eileen Taylor/love you".
Price: $90.00
JULIA WARD HOWE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED - HFSID 251832Howe handwrote and signed this note: "Please observe corrections". Affixed to an 8x10 sheet of paper with a copy of Howe's Battle Hymn of the Republic and b/w book photo of Howe. Autograph note signed "Julia Ward Howe.…"
Sale Price $425.00
JULIA WARD HOWE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 04/25/1892 - HFSID 297548She pens her appreciation for a color sketch sent with a letter. Autograph Note signed: "J. W. H.", 1 page, 4¼x4. Groton [Connecticut], 1892 April 25. In full: "Much obliged for the pretty water color sketch sent with / or rather on your letter.…"
Sale Price $425.00
JULIA WARD HOWE - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 8/1898 - HFSID 2846Howe handwrote and signed this note to apologize for not sending an autograph that the recipient had asked for. Accompanied by a small card signed and dated in August of 1898. Autograph note signed "J. W. H.". With black ink notation on verso in unknown hand. 1 page, 4¼x7.
Price: $400.00
CAROLINE ROSE HUNT - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED CIRCA 1992 - HFSID 270582ALS: "Caroline", 1 page, 6x9. Dallas, Texas, 1992 November 18. On sheet depicting jokes on front and verso to comedienne and actress Phyllis Diller. Begins: "Hi Phyllis". In full: "Come see us in Dallas! Love".
Sale Price $115.00
GEORGE JESSEL - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 1943 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 29597Guest book page signed in 1943 by actor George Jessel, authors Jerre Mangione and Rackham Holt and book publisher Walter V.
Price: $260.00
H. F. "GERRY" LENFEST - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 03/02/1972 - HFSID 18066Autograph note to interview host George Sanders, with a newspaper column about Lenfest affixed to the page Autograph Note signed: "2 March 1972/To George/Many thanks for/the great association./Enjoyed it!/Gerry Lenfest", 1 page, 7x9¼.
Price: $140.00