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As candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Ohio (1986), both sign a typed letter thanking a contributor. Typed Letter signed: "Jim", "Bob", 1 page, 8½x11. Columbus, Ohio, 1986 May 9. On letterhead of Rhodes/Taft for Ohio to W. Ernst Minor. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Price: $120.00

Condition: Lightly creased Add to watchlist:
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As candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Ohio (1986), both sign a typed letter thanking a contributor.
Typed Letter signed: "Jim", "Bob", 1 page, 8½x11. Columbus, Ohio, 1986 May 9. On letterhead of Rhodes/Taft for Ohio to W. Ernst Minor. Cincinnati, Ohio. Taft has added a handwritten note: "Thanks Ernie!". In full: "Thank you for your contribution of $725 to the Rhodes/Taft Campaign. We both deeply appreciate you support of our crusade to throw Dick Celeste and his scandal-ridden, incompetent administration out of office. As the campaign progresses, you can be sure your contribution will be applied wisely toward that goal. With every good wish, we are Sincerely". JAMES A. RHODES (1909-2001) was Mayor of Columbus (1944-1952) and four-time Republican Governor of Ohio (1963-1971, 1975-1983). He is one of only 5 US Governors (of any state) to have served four 4-year terms in the office. However, his bid for a fifth term, represented by this letter, was not successful. Democratic Governor Richard Celeste was re-elected. ROBERT A. TAFT II, commonly called Bob to distinguish him from similarly named members of his famous family is the great-great grandson of Secretary of War Alfonso Taft, the great grandson of President and Chief Justice William Howard Taft, the grandson of Senator and Presidential candidate Robert A. Taft, and the son of US Senator Robert Taft (no middle name). Bob Taft, despite his defeat on the Rhodes/Taft ticket, went on to become Ohio's Secretary of State (1991-1999) and Governor (1999-2007). James Rhodes ran for the US Senate in 1970, but lost to Bob Taft's father Robert Taft in the Republican primary. The contributor addressed in this letter, Ernie Minor, was a Republican activist who held posts in the Nixon and Reagan administrations. Normal mailing folds. Lightly creased. Otherwise, fine condition.

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