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Typed (1955) letter signed as Editor of the Richmond News Leader, apologizing for overlooking a book written by a Virginia author Typed Letter signed: "James J. Kilpatrick", 1 page, 8½x11. Richmond, Virginia, 1955 September 22.

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Condition: Lightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Typed (1955) letter signed as Editor of the Richmond News Leader, apologizing for overlooking a book written by a Virginia author
Typed Letter signed: "James J. Kilpatrick", 1 page, 8½x11. Richmond, Virginia, 1955 September 22. On letterhead of the Editor's Office, Richmond News Leader, to H. Keith Thompson, New York, N.Y. In full: "Thanks for your note of September 20. Sorry to hear of all the troubles you had at Appomattox Courthouse, but then you're not the first one to have troubles at Appomattox. I am ashamed to say that I have never read Colonel Wise's book. When it came in for review a couple of years ago (or whenever it was published), I simply thumbed through it, glanced at the table of contents, and then forwarded it to our book editor. Whether it got lost in the shuffle, or sent to a reviewer who turned in so critical a review that the book editor did not feel he could use it, I cannot say. That sometimes happens. But if we have overlooked a truly significant book by a Virginia author, of course I would be interested in doing something about it, even at this late date. As you can understand, lacking any news peg or publication date to hang a comment on, I'm a little at a loss to know exactly what we could do. The time for an ordinary review, I fear, passed long ago. If you have a spare review copy available, why not send one directly to my attention and let me take a more careful look at it. Cordially yours". James J. Kilpatrick (1920-2010) was editor of the Richmond News Leader from 1949 to 1966, and thereafter a nationally syndicated columnist. He gained national attention as a defender of segregation in the 1950s, and - though he later modified his views on race - he remained a staunch advocate of state's rights. A staunch advocate of free enterprise and individualism, he opposed excessive law-making and bureaucracy at the state and local, as well as federal, level. For nine years, Kilpatrick was the conservative voice in the "Point Counterpoint" segment of CBS-TV's 60 Minutes. Kilpatrick wrote another column about English style and grammar, publishing in 1985 a book of the same name, The Writer's Art. The "Colonel Wise" mentioned in this letter was probably Jennings C. Wise (1881-1968), retired US Army colonel and former Commandant of Virginia Military Academy. He wrote many books on military and regional history between 1910 and 1960. Normal mailing fold creases - affecting signature at "Kil". Two staples in place at upper left corners. Two paperclip creases at upper margin to the right of staples. Lightly creased. Otherwise, fine condition.

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