Price: $220.00
Jimmy Durante sends a typed letter of thanks for the
Typed Letter Signed: "Jimmy", 1p, 5½x8½. No place, 1957
August 26. Begins: "Dear Roxey, Chuck, Irene and Alice". In
full: "Got your letter and the colored pictures, and believe me, they
sure came out great. And, if you look at the picture closely, you'll know
who's the best looking guy of the bunch! It was very nice of you to send
them down. I am on a vacation now and just came home for a day and I'm going
back right away so I won't be back until September 9, with the help of God.
Take care of yourselves, and God be with you." The month before he wrote
this letter, popular performer Jimmy Durante had starred for two weeks at the
Carter-Barron Amphitheatre in Washington, D.C. In addition to his live
performances, in 1957 Durante, had also made the film Beau James and
regularly appeared on television. Jimmy Durante (1893-1980), known to family,
friends and fans as "The Schnozzola", "Schnozzle" or simply "the Schnoz"
because of his Cyrano-sized nose, began his career as a piano player on the
Lower East Side of New York City. He and his partners, dancers Eddie Jackson and
Lou Clayton, had become overnight sensations on vaudeville, and Durante
later lent his talents to films, radio and television as well as being a
popular performer in nightclubs and on stage. His act included telling
jokes, playing the piano and singing in his raspy voice. Two of his most popular
songs were "Inka Dinka Doo" and "Won't You Come Home, Bill Bailey?", and
Durante was also well known for his trademark sign off line, "Goodnight, Mrs.
Calabash, wherever you are." An active life member of the Fraternal Order of
Eagles, he often performed pro bono with the proceeds that would have been his
pay, going to the Children's Fund. All he asked in the way of pay was that
people, "Help Da Kids". Horizontal fold touches the upper loop of the "J".
Lightly stained at blank right and lower margins. Overall, fine
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