Price: $260.00
B/w photo of a young Woodward - low cut dress, looking directly into camera
Photograph inscribed and signed: "To George/Best Wishes-/Joanne/Woodward". B/w, 10x8
overall, image 9x6 (one surface). Joanne Woodward is one of the most acclaimed film actresses
of her era--she is also highly visible as a television and theatrical performer, as well as a
prominent social activist. Woodward received a Best Actress Academy Award in 1957 for
her role in The Three Faces of Eve and again in 1969 for Rachel, Rachel. She also earned
Best Actress honors at the 1972 Cannes Film Festival for The Effect of Gamma Rays on
Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds. In addition to her wins, Woodward has also had several Oscar
nominations and has been the recipient of numerous television Emmy awards. Lightly soiled
and creased at corners. Minor notches on left edge. Otherwise fine condition.
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