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Urges fellow Senator to confirm Clarence Thomas. TLS: "Jack" as U.S. Senator, 1p, 6¼x8½. Washington, D.C., 1991 October 14. To Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

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Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Urges fellow Senator to confirm Clarence Thomas.
TLS: "Jack" as U.S. Senator, 1p, 6¼x8½. Washington, D.C., 1991 October 14. To Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. In full: "At one point last week, Clarence Thomas told me that his confirmation to the Supreme Court had become unimportant as compared to regaining his good name. I think the most persuasive case in Judge Thomas's favor is presented by his own testimony. I am sending you a tape of statements he made before the Judiciary Committee last Friday. I hope you have the opportunity to review the tape before the vote on Tuesday. Sincerely." JOHN "JACK" DANFORTH (born in 1928) served Missouri as Attorney General and then as U.S. Senator (1976-1995). He graduated from both Yale Law School and Divinity School. In 1991, Danforth led the Senate effort to confirm President George H. W. Bush's nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, a task complicated by the televised Judiciary Committee hearings on allegations of sexual harassment leveled against Thomas by former staffer and law professor Anita Hill. Danforth's efforts were successful, just barely; Thomas was confirmed by a 52-48 vote. Moynihan voted against confirmation. In June 2004, President George W. Bush chose Danforth as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. DIRECTLY FROM THE SALE OF THE ESTATE OF DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN. Moynihan (1927-2003) represented New York as a Democrat for four terms (1977-2001). A prolific author, he served in the administrations of four Presidents: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and Ford. Ink note (unknown hand) at upper right. Estate inventory number stamp at left margin. Fine condition.

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