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His books ranged from English poets to military history. Autograph Letter signed: "Jno. Gilmer Speed", 1p, 5¾x8¾. New York (City), 1900 June 11. To W. E. Woodward, in full: "I send you a photograph [not included] as desired.…"

Price: $220.00

Condition: Lightly soiled Add to watchlist:
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His books ranged from English poets to military history.
Autograph Letter signed: "Jno. Gilmer Speed", 1p, 5¾x8¾. New York (City), 1900 June 11. To W. E. Woodward, in full: "I send you a photograph [not included] as desired. But I beg that you will return it to me when you have had it engraved as it is the only copy I have and the negative has been destroyed. Yours truly". John Gilmer Speed (1853-1909) was an American journalist and prolific author. His choice of subject matter was diverse. He edited the collected letters of John Keats, to whom Speed was related. He also published an 1899 update of Edward Creasy's 1851 text, Decisive Battles of the World. Speed added four battles: Gettysburg, Sedan, Manila and Santiago. Lightly soiled, mostly at blank lower margin. Pencil notation (unknown hand) in lower left corner. Otherwise, fine condition.

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