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The senior assistant Surgeon pens a letter regadring the admition of a fellow doctor into a museum Autograph Letter Signed: "John Simon.", 1p, 3½x4½. King's College, 1842 August 8. "To the Conservator of the [illegible] Mus[eum]." Begins: "Sir".

Price: $320.00

Condition: Lightly creased, Lightly soiled Add to watchlist:
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The senior assistant Surgeon pens a letter regadring the admition of a fellow doctor into a museum
Autograph Letter Signed: "John Simon.", 1p, 3½x4½. King's College, 1842 August 8. "To the Conservator of the [illegible] Mus[eum]." Begins: "Sir". In full: "Will you have the goodness to admit Dr. Kraft of Pargue to the museum of the college of Surgeons. Yr. Obedt. St." At the time of this letter, Simon was Senior Assistant Surgeon at King's College Hospital (1840-1847). British surgeon and sanitary reformer John Simon (1816-1904) began his medical career at St. Thomas' Hospital in 1833. Named a member (1838) and Fellow (1844) of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, he was Senior Assistant Surgeon at King's College Hospital from 1840-1847. From 1848-1855, Simon was Officer of Health to the City of London before serving as Chief Medical Officer of Health to the General Board of Health from 1855-1876. During his tenure in those positions, he built up the state medical department, developed a system for vaccinating and was influential in the passage of the Sanitary Act (1866) and the Public Health Act (1875). Simon, who served as President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (1878-1879) and President of the Royal Society (1879-1880), was knighted in 1887. Lightly creased with folds, not at signature. Lightly soiled and stained, touching the "imon" of Simon. Upper left corner torn away, file hole at one word of writing. Pencil notes (unknown hand) at upper margin and lower right margin beneath signature.

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