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This piece of paper is signed by the Pennsylvania Congressman in thin black script Signature: "J. M. Scranton/Scranton, Pa" in black ink. 7x1¾.

Price: $200.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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This piece of paper is signed by the Pennsylvania Congressman in thin black script
Signature: "J. M. Scranton/Scranton, Pa" in black ink. 7x1¾. Joseph Augustine Scranton (1838-1908) was a Republican politician who represented Pennsylvania in the United States House of Representatives. When he was a boy, his family moved to Pennsylvania, settling in the Lackawanna Valley in northeastern Pennsylvania, the eventual site of the city of Scranton, which was named after the family. After completing his studies at Yale, Scranton served as "collector of internal revenue" from 1862 until 1866, a post of political patronage. He served as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1872. In 1880, Scranton was elected to Congress for the first time, serving in the 47th Congress. He then went on to win the 1884 election and the 1888 election, and was subsequently elected to two consecutive terms in 1892 and 1894. Toned. Corners rounded. Edges irregular. Otherwise, fine condition.

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