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The 19th-century English writer sends letter to colleague about recent articles, signs name in black ink Autograph letter signed "J. Ashby-Sterry" in purple ink. 3½x4½, written on St. Martin's Chambers note card. October 9, 1874. Temple, London, England.

Price: $360.00

Condition: Slightly soiled Add to watchlist:
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The 19th-century English writer sends letter to colleague about recent articles, signs name in black ink
Autograph letter signed"J. Ashby-Sterry" in purple ink. 3½x4½, written on St. Martin's Chambers note card. October 9, 1874. Temple, London, England. In full: "My dear Draper, Enclosed is the P.M.G. I think it will amuse you. Especially when you recalled that the paper is "written by gentlemen for gentlemen". I read your article in the P.W. with a great deal of pleasure - as I always do anything from your pen - it is excellent. Every yours very truly". Joseph Ashby-Sterry (1836-1917) was an English poet and novelist. His works include Katharine and Petruchio (1870), Tiny Travels (1874), Boudoir Ballands (1876), The Wooden Midshipman (1881), The Lazy Minstrel (1886), Charles Dickens in Southwark (1888), Nutshell Novels (1891), A Naughtly Girl (1893), A Tale of the Thames (1896) and The River Rhymer (1913). He was also a frequent contributor to the British humor magazine Punch. Lightly toned. Corners rounded. Slightly soiled. Otherwise, fine condition.

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