Korean War | Checks
Top Signers
GENERAL OMAR N. BRADLEY - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/13/1952 - HFSID 299351Check for $8.25, written to Woodward & Lothrop department store near the end of his tenure as the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Check signed: "Omar N. Bradley", 6¼x2¾. No place, but Washington, D.C. area, 1952 December 13.
Price: $460.00
GENERAL MARK W. CLARK - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 09/17/1971 - HFSID 24081Mark W. Clark signs a check to pay Eastern Air Lines $59.00. Partly Printed Check signed: "Mark W. Clark", 8¼x3. Charleston, S.C., 1971 September 17. Drawn on the First National Bank of South Carolina, payable to Eastern Air Lines for $59.00. Mark W.
Sale Price $195.00
ENOLA GAY CREW (COLONEL THOMAS W. FEREBEE) - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/10/1997 - HFSID 303462The Enola Gay bombardier fills out and signs a check to Orange Tree Country Club for $888.34. Check signed: "Thomas W. Ferebee", 6x2¾. Windermere, Florida, 1997 April 10.
Price: $180.00
CHRISTOPHER GEORGE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 02/27/1969 - HFSID 342413The actor signs check for $30.00 in black ink Check signed: 'Chris J. George" in black ink. 6x2¾. February 27, 1969. Check no. 265 drawn from $30.00 from the account of Chris J. George at Union Bank in Beverley Hills, California. Payable for $30.00 (not endorsed on verso).…"
Price: $220.00
CHRISTOPHER GEORGE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/03/1969 - HFSID 343479The television and screen actor signs this check for $12 in blue ink Check signed: "Chris J George" in blue ink. 6x2¾. March 3, 1969. Check no. 269 drawn from the account of Chris J. George c/o The Management Co. at Union Bank in Beverly Hills, California. Payable for $12.
Price: $220.00
CHRISTOPHER GEORGE - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/01/1972 - HFSID 280579$23 check signed by Golden Globe-nominated actor Christopher George Check signed "Chris George" in blue ink. 8¼x3¼ with perforated bottom edge. Nov. 1, 1972. Check no.
Sale Price $175.00
GENERAL LYMAN L. LEMNITZER - AUTOGRAPH CHECK STUB SIGNED IN TEXT 10/26/1978 - HFSID 286510Three check stubs on one sheet, filled out by the general and signed with his last name, showing a deposit and three payments Check stubs signed in text: "[Lois] Lemnitzer" 4¾x9¼. No place, 1978 October 26.
Price: $120.00
GENERAL LYMAN L. LEMNITZER - AUTOGRAPH CHECK STUB UNSIGNED 09/12/1978 - HFSID 286496Three check stubs on one sheet, filled out by the general, including USO contribution Autograph check stub unsigned: 4¾x9¼. No place, 1978 September 12, 15 and 16.
Price: $100.00
GENERAL LYMAN L. LEMNITZER - CHECK DOUBLE SIGNED 12/11/1958 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 286466Personal check written to, and endorsed by, his son William, who would also become an army general Check signed twice: "L.L.Lemnitzer", [W. "L. Lemnitzer", as a General of the U.S. ARMY. 8x3. Endorsed on verso "W. L. Lemnitzer".
Price: $200.00
BOB NEWHART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/27/1973 - HFSID 321237Signing a $108.82 check from his production company as "George R. Newhart". Check signed: "George R. Newhart", 8½x3½. Beverly Hills, California, 1973 March 27. Check #1,549, drawn on the account of Newhart Enterprises, Inc.
Price: $180.00
BOB NEWHART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 06/04/1973 - HFSID 342477Check from the comedian and television actor for $40.00, signed in blue ink Check signed: "Bob Newhart", in blue ink, 8½x3½. June 4, 1973. Check no. 1841 drawn on the account of George R.
Sale Price $150.00
BOB NEWHART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 10/11/1973 - HFSID 263072Bob Newhart signs a check to Ziffren and Ziffren. Check signed: "Bob Newhart", 8½x3½. Beverly Hills, California, 1973 October 11. Check No. 2291. Drawn on account of George R.
Sale Price $150.00
BOB NEWHART - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/08/1973 - HFSID 278562Check drawn on Newhart's joint account with Newhart's wife for $23.63 and signed in 1973 Check signed "Bob Newhart" in blue ink. 8x3¼ with perforated top and bottom edges. Nov. 8, 1973. Check no. 2385 for $23.
Price: $180.00