Korean War | Other
Top Signers
ROBERT B. ANDERSON - ENGRAVING SIGNED - HFSID 102012Robert B. Anderson signs an engraving of the Treasury Department building in blue ink. Engraving signed: "Robert B. Anderson". B/w, 8x6 overall, 4x2 oval image (one surface). Engraving of the Treasury Department building.
Price: $220.00
LT. GENERAL WILLIAM H. ARNOLD - FREE FRANK SIGNED - HFSID 321049Envelope sent from the Army War College to a lawyer in New York, franked by Arnold Free Frank signed: "W H Arnold", 9x4 envelope with typed address of Ashley T. Cole, Councillor-at-Law, New York, N. Y., signed in the return address.
Sale Price $175.00
GENERAL CHARLES L. BOLTE - FREE FRANK SIGNED CIRCA 1946 - HFSID 191789General Charles L. Bolte "Free" francs' an envelope Free Franc Signed: "Charles L. Bolte"and "Free", 9x4 envelope with typed address and return address, signed above return address ant at right corner. Postmarked Washington, D.C. 1946 September 10.
Sale Price $105.00
GENERAL OMAR N. BRADLEY - INSCRIBED SPEECH SIGNED CIRCA 1948 - HFSID 283823A bound copy of his Memorial Day Address (1948), inscribed and signed to his longtime secretary, Mary Pitcairn, by America's last five-star general Speech inscribed and signed: "To Miss Mary Pitcairn/With appreciation for/your loyal and/untiring assistance/Omar N. Bradley", 5p, 6x9.
Price: $2,250.00
GENERAL OMAR N. BRADLEY - MATCH BOOK SIGNED CIRCA 1972 - HFSID 51185Matchbook signed: "Omar N Bradley", 4½x1½ when opened. Matchbook from Hollywood Park Thoroughbred Racing Park. Dated at left (unknown hand): "July 1972".
Price: $180.00
GENERAL MARK W. CLARK - COMMEMORATIVE COVER SIGNED - HFSID 165886Mark W. Clark signs a commemorative sheet for the Veteran's Administration stamp. Commemorative Sheet signed: "Mark W. Clark", 1p, 8½x11.
Price: $240.00
GENERAL J. LAWTON COLLINS - AUTOGRAPH SENTIMENT ON FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED - HFSID 343664FDC honoring the American Flag, signed by an important US general of World War II and the early Cold War Autograph Sentiment on First Day Cover Signed: "From J. Lawton Collins/4000 [illegible] NW/wash. DC", 6½x3¾.
Price: $120.00
GENERAL BENJAMIN O. DAVIS JR. - AUTOGRAPH NOTE ON PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 208165The first African-American One-Star Air Force General inscribes this printed card to an admirer Autograph Note on Printed Card Signed in Ink: "To: Sy Sussman/ With best wishes/ Benjamin O. Davis Jr./ Lt. Gen USAF (Ret'd)", in blue felt tip, 5x3. Benjamin Oliver Davis, Jr.
Sale Price $150.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL WILBUR E. DUNKELBERG - FREE FRANK SIGNED - HFSID 321050A Free Frank signed by the Korean War Brigadier General Free frank signed: "W.E. Dunkelberg", 9½x4½. Addressed to Mr. Ashley T. Cole, Counselor at Law. New York City, New York. Wilbur E.
Price: $220.00
ENOLA GAY CREW (COLONEL THOMAS W. FEREBEE) - PHILATELIC SHEET SIGNED - HFSID 206354He signs a philatelic display bearing the printed text of the nuclear test ban treaty, postmarked the week the treaty went into effect. Philatelic Display signed: "Thomas W. Ferebee/Bombardier of Enola Gay/Hiroshima, Japan August 6, 1945", 8½x11.
Price: $160.00
HENRY H. FOWLER - ENGRAVING SIGNED - HFSID 102010Engraving signed: "With best wishes Henry H. Fowler". B/w, 8x6 overall, image 4x2 (one surface). Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Pictured is the Treasury Department building. Henry H.
Price: $220.00
COLONEL GERALD H. "GERRY" TURLEY - BOOK PAGE SIGNED 04/1997 - HFSID 294803The retired colonel praises the US soldiers who were the subject of his book, The Easter Offensive. Book Page signed: "Gerry Turley/Col. US Marines/(Ret.), 1 page, 5x6¾. No place, April 1997.…"
Price: $120.00
JOHN AUGUST GROTH - INVITATION SIGNED - HFSID 76083John Groth signs an invitation to an art exhibit of his work on Sunday, November 8, 1987, at the Art Students League Gallery in New York City, New York. Invitation signed: "John Groth" in pencil. Reproduction of a color line drawing of a baseball player on verso, 6¾x4 card.
Sale Price $105.00
GENERAL HUGH P. HARRIS - COLLECTION WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 345744The four-star General who went on to serve as President of The Citadel, a military college in South Carolina, signed this typed letter in blue ink for an admirer including an inscribed photograph! Combination: 1) Typed Letter Signed: "Hugh Harris". 8½x11.
Price: $320.00
GENERAL LEWIS B. "OLDEST SOLDIER" HERSHEY - INAUGURATION DAY COVER SIGNED - HFSID 167582Lewis B. Hershey signs an inaugural day cover for President Nixon. Inaugural Cover signed: "Lewis B. Hershey", 6½x3½. Inaugural Cover with a 5-cent and 1-cent stamps attached, postmarked Washington, D.C., January 20, 1969.
Price: $120.00
GENERAL LEWIS B. "OLDEST SOLDIER" HERSHEY - TYPED MANUSCRIPT SIGNED - HFSID 156786Typed manuscript about "the greatest frontier of our ignorance", signed by Director of Selective Service Lewis B. Hershey Typed manuscript signed "Lewis B. Hershey". 1 page, 5¼x3½. Typed on a fabric-textured card.
Price: $280.00
GENERAL LYMAN L. LEMNITZER - COLLECTION WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 318008A collection of two checks from the Lt. General Lyman Lemnitzer and his wife Katherine, with one check being paid to and endorsed by their daughter Lois. A unique piece featuring three of the four Lemnitzer family members! Collection 1) Check signed: "L. L.…"
Sale Price $195.00
LT. GENERAL GEORGE G. LOVING JR. - BOOK PAGE SIGNED - HFSID 290484Signature in blue ink on a printed book excerpt. He is pictured with a brief bio. Book Page signed: "George G. Loving, 7x3¾ irregularly cut, Printed photo and brief bio clipped from a book page. George G. Loving, Jr.…"
Price: $220.00
GENERAL DOUGLAS MACARTHUR - COLLECTION WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 91000Signed photograph and signature comprised and framed to an overall size of 25¼x23¼ Comprises: (1) DOUGLAS MacARTHUR. Photograph signed: "Douglas MacArthur". B/w, 9x7. Ink lightly spread. Minor surface creases and scratches at upper left background, one touches ear.
Price: $2,500.00
GENERAL GEORGE C. MARSHALL - STAMP(S) SIGNED CIRCA 1948 - HFSID 266579Stamps signed: "G C Marshall", 3x2. Block of 4 U.S. 3-cent stamps observing the Oregon Territory Centennial (1948). Marshall was Chief of Staff of the Army from September 1939-November 1945. He was promoted to the rank of Five-Star General of the Army in December 1944.
Price: $600.00
GENERAL ROBERT W. PORTER JR. - TELEGRAM UNSIGNED 10/20/1964 - HFSID 6100260This telegram concerns the funeral services of President Herbert Hoover, who passed away on October 20, 1964 Telegram Unsigned: 8x5¾. Dated October 20, 1964. Sent by General Robert Porter Jr.
Sale Price $105.00
CAPTAIN FRANCIS GARY POWERS - PRESS RELEASE SIGNED - HFSID 265672Photocopied Press Release signed: "Francis Gary Powers", 1p, 8½x11. No place but noted "Approved Nov. 1963". Headed: "U-2 High Altitude/Research Plane".
Price: $800.00
GENERAL MATTHEW B. RIDGWAY - MANUSCRIPT SIGNED - HFSID 1369Matthew B. Ridgway signs a typed manuscript titled Meeting with the Russians. Typed Manuscript signed: "M.B. Ridgway", on last page, 5p, 8½x11, separate sheets. Titled: Meeting with the Russians.
Price: $500.00
GENERAL MATTHEW B. RIDGWAY - SPECIAL COVER SIGNED - HFSID 146640The General who replaced MacArthur in Korea and Eisenhower in Europe signs a special cover celebrating the 25th Anniversary US Air Force on "Freedom's Frontier", Kwang Ju AB, Korea Special Cover signed: "M. B. Ridgway/General, US Army, Rtd", 6½x3½.
Price: $180.00
GENERAL MATTHEW B. RIDGWAY - SPECIAL COVER SIGNED - HFSID 276583The General who replaced MacArthur in Korea and Eisenhower in Europe signs a special cover that was postmarked on the U.S.S. Leyte during the Korean Conflict. Special Cover signed: "M. B. Ridgway, Gen., USA, Rtd", 6½x3¾.
Price: $180.00
GENERAL MATTHEW B. RIDGWAY - SPECIAL COVER SIGNED - HFSID 276588The General who replaced MacArthur in Korea and Eisenhower in Europe signs an air mail envelope postmarked aboard the U.S.S. Calvert the year after the Korean Conflict came to an end. Special Cover signed: "M. B. Ridgway, General, US Army", 6½x3¾ air mail envelope.
Price: $180.00
GENERAL MATTHEW B. RIDGWAY - STAMP(S) SIGNED - HFSID 292170The American general signs a sheet of ten 29-cent U.S. postage stamps commemorating the 50th anniversary of World War II. Stamps signed: "M.B. Ridgway", Color, 9x5 sheet of ten 29-cent U.S.
Price: $200.00
JOE D. WAGGONNER, JR. - SPEECH SIGNED - HFSID 23096Signed copy of his Congressional eulogy to President Eisenhower Speech signed: "Joe D. Waggonner, Jr.", 1 page, 8½x11. Typescript titled "Eulogy to Dwight David Eisenhower," delivered as a Member of Congress. Joe David Waggoner, Jr.
Sale Price $135.00