Price: $420.00
The actor signs a document agreeing to appear in a whisky ad for Hiram Walker & Sons
Document signed: "Lee Bowman", in blue ink, 1p, 8½x11. No place, January 28, 1957. The
actor agrees to grant Hiram Walker & Sons as well as Foote, Cone & Belding exclusive rights
to use reprints and reproductions of the advertisement until March 1957. The Whisky ad was
slated to appear in either in the January or February edition of Life Magazine in 1957. Stage
and screen Lee Bowman (1914-1979) was often cast as a playboy because of his good looks
and dapper style, but he could play action roles too. He usually played second leads. Among
his best known films were Love Affair (1939), Bataan (1943) and Smash-Up (1947). He
played the title role in the TV series The Adventures of Ellery Queen (1950-1951). In 1974,
Bowman formed Kingstree Media Group to advise politicians and business leaders on
facing the mass media, stressing the "conversational approach" to the camera. Clients included
the Republican Congressional campaign committees and Bethlehem Steel Corp. Filing holes at
top edge. Adhesive residue at top edge. Top edge lightly worn. Otherwise, fine condition.
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