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Eddie Rickenbacker sends a typed letter of thanks for the birthday greetings. Typed Letter Signed: "Eddie Rickenbacker", 1p, 7¼x10½. New York, New York, 1970 October 8. On his personal letterhead to Mr. Thomas L. Alford, Sr., Croton-on-Hudson, New York.

Price: $750.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Eddie Rickenbacker sends a typed letter of thanks for the birthday greetings.
Typed Letter Signed: "Eddie Rickenbacker", 1p, 7¼x10½. New York, New York, 1970 October 8. On his personal letterhead to Mr. Thomas L. Alford, Sr., Croton-on-Hudson, New York. Begins: "My dear Mr. Alfordd". In full: "Thanks so much for your birthday greetings and the kind thoughts expressed, and I trust that as the years roll by I may continue to merit your good will and confidence. I note your comments about my autobiography and, frankly, with the assistance of friends there were sufficient funds raised to place a copy of this book in the library of every junior and senior high school, college, university, Boys' Club and Boy Scouts' library throughout the country, in order that many of the students who would be unable to purchase a copy would have the opportunity of reading it. Yes, I have not forgotten your invitation to visit you some time when I come up to see my son William but, frankly, my time is usually limited when I do go up and , naturally, I wish to spend as much time as possible with him and his family. Again my thanks for your good wishes, and may I in turn trust that you and yours will enjoy many healthy, happy years ahead. Sincerely," Captain Edward Vernon "Eddie" Rickenbacker (1890-1973) had joined North American Aviation, the parent company of Eastern in 1933 and became its General Manager in 1935, expanding its shipping and travel services. Rickenbacker purchased Eastern in March 1938 and became its President the following month. He remained in Chief Executive positions until his retirement in 1959. "Rick" had attained recognition as a race car driver before commanding the famed 94th "Hat-in-the-Ring" Squadron during WWI. He downed 26 enemy aircraft, becoming America's greatest Ace and received the Congressional Medal of Honor. After the war, Rickenbacker promoted commercial air travel and the advancement of air power for the U.S. military. During WWII, he was a special representative in the inspection of air bases in the Pacific. Fold creases not near signature. Fine condition.

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