Sale Price $289.00
Reg. $340.00
LEIGH WADE. ALS: "Leigh Wade", 1p, 5¼x8¼. No place, 1978
October 11. To Mr. Bomsey. In full: "Relative the 3 balloonist
crossing (first) of the Atlantic as for comparison-very much. One lighter than
air & the other heavier than air - or say powered & non-powered. Both
have their merits. Think of their preparations and dependence on weather. Then
ours by power also required study or just preparation." The helium-filled
Double Eagle II balloon, manned by Ben Abruzzo, Maxie Anderson and Larry
Newman, made the first balloon flight across the Atlantic August 11-17, 1978.
Major General Wade compares this flight with the 1903 Wright Brothers flight.
Wade was the pilot of the Douglas World cruiser Boston on the world's
first successful global flight in 1924. Fine condition.
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