Sale Price $275.00
Reg. $340.00
The actress gazes happily into the camera
Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Vickie/Mala Powers". B/w
8x10. A radio and stage actress since early childhood, Mala Powers, born in 1931
death in 2007, was discovered by Ida Lupino who starred Powers in her 1950 film
Outrage. That same year, she was signed to star opposite Ferrer in
Cyrano de Bergerac. Powers was praised for her beauty, sensitivity and
naturalness in portraying Cyrano's great love, Roxanne. It remains her
best-known film. After a life-threatening illness nipped her career in the
bud, Powers spent the majority of her subsequent career appearing in low budget
Westerns and adventure films due to difficulty in obtaining production
insurance. Ink note (unknown hand) on verso (no show through). Corners lightly
creased. Otherwise, fine condition.
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