Sale Price $250.00
Reg. $320.00
"Voice of the Yankees"
Photograph signed: "Mel/Allen". Color, 8x10. Mel Allen (1913-1996) was
the principal announcer for New York Yankees baseball from 1939-1964.
Inexplicably fired in 1964, he broadcast Cleveland Indians and Milwaukee Braves
games before returning to Yankees cable broadcasts in 1976. He also
narrated the long-running TV program This Week in Baseball. Allen, who
had broken into the business broadcasting University of Alabama football,
continued to cover college football bowl games. In 1978, Mel Allen and Red
Barber - a fellow southerner and New York baseball baseball veteran, were the
first sportscasters enshrined in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Yankee
Stadium's Monument Park includes a plaque honoring Allen. His pet expressions
included "How about that!", and the now universal, "That ball is going, going,
gone!" Fine condition.
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