Price: $260.00
Two weeks before the stock market crash, she signs a typed letter making an
appointment with her lawyer.
Typed Letter signed: "Michael Strange", 1p, 8½x10½. Initialed
twice "HRS". No place, 1929 October 12. To Henry Root
Stern, New York. In full: "Will it be all right for Wednesday
afternoon. I am completely tied up Tuesday, and always tied up all morning. So
will you let me know if Wednesday afternoon, or any other afternoon - at any
time is all right. Thanks so much for all the bother you are taking in this
matter. Every yours sincerely". Poet, playwright and actress Blanche
Marie Louise Oelrichs (1890-1950) used the pen and stage name Michael
STRANGE. A real estate heiress and debutante active in the women's suffrage
movement, she published her first book, Miscellaneous Poems, in 1916. The
second of her three husbands was stage and silent film star John Barrymore.
Actress Diana Barrymore was their daughter. Strange's first Broadway play,
Claire de Lune (1921), starred John and Ethel Barrymore. In 1936, Strange
commenced a popular New York City radio program of poetry and music, eventually
accompanied by a full orchestra. She also spoke on lecture tours, the likely
topic of this TLS. The letter's recipient, Henry Root STERN, was a
partner in the New York law firm of Rushmore, Bisbee and Stern. A three-time
delegate to Republican national conventions, he was a Presidential Elector in
1952. Stern handled some of Strange's monetary affairs, including her alimony
payments from John Barrymore. Perhaps they talked money at the appointment
arranged in this letter, unaware that Black Thursday (October 24) and the
subsequent market collapse loomed in the immediate future. Lightly creased and
soiled. Binder holes at top, one broken through to edge. Two ½-inch tears at top
margin and a 1-inch tear in right margin. Other minor tears on three
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