Price: $460.00
{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 AGaramond;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0
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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\b\f0\fs28 MICHAEL PATAKI\fs24
\par AFTRA membership application signed by veteran actor Michael
Pataki. He played Korax, the klingon who started the bar fight, in the
1967 \ul Star Trek\ulnone episode \ul The Trouble with
Tribbles\ulnone .\ul
\par \ulnone\b0 Document signed \i "Michael Pataki" \i0 in purple ink.
Blue ink notations and lead pencil marks in unknown hand. 2 pages,
6x8\'bd, 1 sheet, front and verso. With 6\'bcx3\'bc initiation fee receipt
carbon copy with perforated left edge stapled at top edge. Membership
form for the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. \b
Pataki, \b0 born in 1938, had his first movie appearance in an
uncredited role in 1958's \ul 10 North Frederick\ulnone . However, he
didn't see his career take off until 1966, when he made and acclaimed
performance in Edinburgh as Jerry in Edward Albee's \ul Zoo
Story\ulnone . Pataki has compiled an impressive resume, with
appearances in \b over 150 movies and TV shows, as of this biography,
since 1958. \b0 He's often appeared in the supporting cast, with a
notable performance as \b Russian boxing manager Nicoli Koloff in \ul
Rocky IV\ulnone \b0 (1985) and \ul Rocky V\ulnone (1990) and
recurring roles on \ul The Flying Nun\ulnone (1967-1970), \ul Paul
Sand in Friends and Lovers\ulnone (1974-1975), \ul Happy
Days\ulnone (1976), \ul Spider Man\ulnone (1978), \ul Phyl and
Mikhy\ulnone (1980), \ul The Fall Guy\i \ulnone\i0 (1982-1984) and
\ul Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures\ulnone (1987-1988). \ul\b Ren
and Stimpy\ulnone fans may recognize his voice as that of
all-American George Liquor, American! in \ul Dog Show\ulnone \b0
(1992) \b and the banned-on-Nickelodeon episode \ul Man's Best
Friend\ulnone . \b0 He also \b showed up in both the original series and
\ul Next Generation\ulnone ver
This image has been censored to conceal personal information
depicted in the image. The actual document may have some or all this
information physically redacted as well.
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