Sale Price $175.00
Reg. $220.00
Inscribed and signed photo from the famous ad campaign touting Miller Lite
Photograph inscribed and signed: "Hi Dennis -/Have a Lite!/Mickey
Spillane". Color, 5x7 overall, image 3½x5 (one surface). Advertisement
for Miller Lite Beer and the "Miller All Stars". From 1973 to 1990, the
Miller Brewing Company successfully marketed its "Lite" beer with a series of TV
commercials featuring sports heroes and other celebrities like Spillane with
"macho" images suitable for overcoming the resistance of American males to lower
calorie beers. The ads were so successful that competing sections of stadium
crowds mimicked the ads' "Tastes Great!" - "Less Filling!" debate. Frank
Morrison "Mickey" Spillane (1918-2006) created his hard-boiled detective
hero, Mike Hammer, in the first of seven Hammer novels, I, the Jury
(1947). In a 1967 list of the best-selling novels of 1895-1965, seven of
the top 29 were novels by Spillane. The versatile author, who has been
everything from a flight instructor to a human cannonball, also appeared in
films, starring as Mike Hammer in The Girl Hunter (1963). In 1995,
the Mystery Writers of America honored him with their Grand Master
award. Slightly soiled. Slightly worn at corners. Otherwise, fine
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