Military | Checks
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ANTHONY CHARLES BARTLEY - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 05/23/1955 - HFSID 345840The WWII veteran and television show producer and writer signed this check paid in the amount of $500 to Les Ambassadeurs Check Signed: “A.C. Bartley” in ink. 6x2¾. Dated May 22, 1955. Paid to Les Ambassadeurs in the amount of $500.
Price: $220.00
ANTHONY CHARLES BARTLEY - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/25/1952 - HFSID 346109The WWII veteran who shot down fifteen German planes and later become a television producer signed this check Check Signed: "A.C. Bartley" in ink. 8x3½. Dated December 25, 1952. Decorated in celebration of Christmas. Paid to Matty Anderson in the amount of $20.
Price: $220.00
BOCKSCAR CREW (MAJOR GENERAL CHARLES W. SWEENEY) - CHECK ENDORSED 04/10/1993 - HFSID 258611Check endorsed: "Dep to/Charles Sweeney/[account number]", 8¼x3. Madeira Beach, Florida, 1993 April 10. Check No. 2388, drawn on the account of J F F Company, Inc. at First Florida Bank, Madeira Beach, payable to Charles Sweeney for $210. Signed on front: "Richard G.…"
Price: $350.00
COLONEL GREG "PAPPY" BOYINGTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 01/14/1980 - HFSID 140145. Partly Printed Check filled out and signed: "Gregory Boyington", 6x2¾. Fresno, California, 1980 January 14. Drawn on his account at the First National Bank of Fresno, payable to Paul Gann, People's Advocate, Inc. for $25.00.
Price: $800.00
COLONEL GREG "PAPPY" BOYINGTON - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 06/15/1984 - HFSID 2803961984 check for $489.98 signed by Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, leader of the United States Marines' Black Sheep Squadron during World War II Check signed "Gregory Boyington" in blue ink.
Price: $500.00
GENERAL OMAR N. BRADLEY - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/13/1952 - HFSID 299351Check for $8.25, written to Woodward & Lothrop department store near the end of his tenure as the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Check signed: "Omar N. Bradley", 6¼x2¾. No place, but Washington, D.C. area, 1952 December 13.
Price: $460.00
LOUIS BROMFIELD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/12/1946 - HFSID 83306The Pulitzer Prize winning author signs this check Check signed: "Louis Bromfield", 6½x2¾. Unnumbered check drawn on the Bank of New York, payable to Gotham Hotel for $318.13, filled out by Bromfield, 1946 March 12.
Price: $200.00
LT. GENERAL SIMON B. BUCKNER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 09/21/1898 - HFSID 279505He signs an 1898 sight draft on Standard Oil Company form for $6.50. Check signed: "S. B. Buckner/Ria, Ky", 8¼x3½. Louisville, Kentucky, 1898 September 21. Standard Oil Company bankers' acceptance form no.
Price: $400.00
MAJOR GENERAL BENJAMIN F. BUTLER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 05/23/1877 - HFSID 252220$297.95 check signed by Union General Benjamin F. Butler in 1877, when he was a U. S. Representative from Massachusetts Check signed "B. F. Butler". With unknown endorsement on verso. Pencil notations in unknown hand on verso. 7¼x2½. May 23, 1877. Check no.
Price: $500.00
MAJOR GENERAL DANIEL BUTTERFIELD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 05/01/1859 - HFSID 176086Union General Daniel Butterfield signs a check to pay ourselves $20.00. Partly Printed Check signed: "Daniel Butterfield", 8½x3¼. Cooperstown, New York, 1859 May 1. Drawn on the Wells, Butterfield and company sight draft, payable to ourselves for $20.00.
Sale Price $995.00
RED BUTTONS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 01/07/1974 - HFSID 253136The actor fills out and signs this check to Hound Dog for $4.98 Check signed: "Red Buttons" in blue ink, 6x2¾. January 7, 1974. Check no. 2390 drawn on his joint account with third wife Alicia Buttons (née Pratt) at the City National Bank, Beverly Hills, California.
Price: $300.00
RED BUTTONS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 06/19/1973 - HFSID 342460The Academy Award-winning actor signs check for $75.00 in black ink Check signed: "Red Buttons" in black felt tip. 7½x3½. June 19, 1973. Check no. 379 drawn from the account of Red and Alicia Button at City National Bank in Beverly Hills, California. Payable for $75.
Price: $300.00
RED BUTTONS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/06/1973 - HFSID 346048The actor fills out and signs this check to Ultra Cleaners for $17.10 Check signed: "Red Buttons" in blue ink, 6x2¾. December 6, 1973. Check no.
Sale Price $245.00
RED BUTTONS - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 12/26/1973 - HFSID 345893The comedian and actor who first came to fame as the host of his own show signed this check in blue ink Check Signed: “Red Buttons” in blue ink. 7½x3½. Dated December 26, 1973. Paid to the California Pension Administrators Incorporated in the amount of $100.
Price: $300.00
REAR ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 04/05/1928 - HFSID 76346Special PriceByrd signed this $400 check to Fitzhugh Green in 1928, the year he began his first expedition to Antarctica. Green, an explorer in his own right, wrote an account of Byrd's flying over the North and South Poles Check signed "R E Byrd". 6¼x2¾, with perforated left edge.
Sale Price $250.00
REAR ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 05/07/1932 - HFSID 75883Check signed: "RE Byrd", 6x2½. Winchester, Virginia, 1932 May 7. Check No. 361 (check number written in Byrd's hand), drawn on Farmers & Merchants National Bank & Trust Co., payable to Kidder Peabody Trust Co. for $500.
Sale Price $675.00
REAR ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD - CHECK TRIPLE SIGNED 04/16/1928 - HFSID 79695Check signed: "R.E. Byrd", 6¼x2½. New York, 1928 April 16. Check No. 26, drawn on the Liberty National Bank in New York, payable to R.E. Byrd for $1000. Endorsed: "R.E. Byrd" on verso.
Sale Price $675.00
MAJOR GENERAL EUGENE A. CARR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 09/10/1910 - HFSID 278474The Medal of Honor recipient wrote and signed this Riggs National Bank check for $40.50 to A. V. Thornton in 1910, less than four months before his death Check signed "E. A. Carr". 7¼x2¾. Sept. 10, 1910. Check no. 739, made out to A. V. Thornton for $40.
Sale Price $550.00
MAJOR GENERAL EUGENE A. CARR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 10/03/1910 - HFSID 176089Partly Printed Check filled out and signed: "E.A. Carr", 7¼x3. Washington, D.C., 1910 October 3. Drawn on The Riggs National Bank, payable to "W.B. Moses and Sons" for $13.75.
Price: $675.00
MAJOR GENERAL EUGENE A. CARR - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 11/17/1910 - HFSID 177219Partly Printed Check filled out and signed: "E.A. Carr", 7¼x3. Washington, D.C., 1910 November 17. Drawn on The Riggs National Bank, payable to "Treasurer Army &/Navy Club" for $1.50.
Price: $360.00
MAJOR GENERAL JOSHUA LAWRENCE CHAMBERLAIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 10/12/1867 - HFSID 179488Civil War legend Joshua Chamberlain signed check to local stonecutter. Partly Printed Check signed: "J.L. Chamberlain", 7x2¾. Brunswick, Me., 1867 October 12. Drawn on the First National Bank of Brunswick. Payable to D.M. Melcher for $65.00.
Price: $2,750.00
GENERAL MARK W. CLARK - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 09/17/1971 - HFSID 24081Mark W. Clark signs a check to pay Eastern Air Lines $59.00. Partly Printed Check signed: "Mark W. Clark", 8¼x3. Charleston, S.C., 1971 September 17. Drawn on the First National Bank of South Carolina, payable to Eastern Air Lines for $59.00. Mark W.
Sale Price $195.00
COLONEL WILLIAM F. BLAUVELT - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 03/31/1911 - HFSID 317553The veteran US Army officer signed this $12 check in Washington D.C. Check signed: "W. F. Blauvelt", 7½x3. Washington, D.C., 1911 March 31. Check #68, drawn on the Riggs National Bank, payable to Adolph Kahn for $12.00.
Sale Price $135.00
COLONEL WILLIAM F. BLAUVELT - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 05/31/1911 - HFSID 317554$9.85 check signed in Washington by the veteran Army officer Check signed: "W. F. Blauvelt", 7½x3. Washington, D.C., 1911 March 31. Check #82, drawn on the Riggs National Bank, payable to S. U. Mayer for $9.85. Entirely filled out by Blauvelt. William F.
Price: $160.00
BILLY CONN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 01/25/1983 - HFSID 279709Check written for $25 cash in 1983, signed "William D. Conn" Check signed: William D. Conn", 6x2¾. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1983 January 25. Check filled out in Conn's hand, drawn on his account at the Pittsburgh National Bank for $25 cash.…"
Price: $725.00
LEON DAY - CHECK ENDORSED 12/07/1993 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 290117Day cashed a $17 check written by baseball author and historian G. Richard McKelvey Check Endorsed "Leon Day" 6x2¾. Deerfield Academy, Deerfield, Massachusetts, 1993 December 7. Check #331, drawn on the joint account of G. Richard McKelvey and Joan M.
Sale Price $345.00
MAJOR GENERAL JOHN A. DIX - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 01/30/1836 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 2589311834 check for $2,500, signed by four commissioners of New York State's Erie Canal Fund, including John A. Dix, President James Buchanan's Secretary of the Treasury in 1861; Azariah C. Flagg, New York State secretary of state and comptroller; Abraham Keyser, Jr.
Price: $475.00
MAJOR GENERAL JOHN A. DIX - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 05/05/1834 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 2546691834 check for $2,500, signed by four commissioners of New York State's Erie Canal Fund, including John A. Dix, President James Buchanan's Secretary of the Treasury in 1861; Azariah C. Flagg, New York State secretary of state and comptroller; Abraham Keyser, Jr.
Price: $475.00
MAJOR GENERAL JOHN A. DIX - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 06/01/1837 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 1557711837 check for $200, signed by three commissioners of New York State's Erie Canal Fund, including John A. Dix, President James Buchanan's Secretary of the Treasury in 1861; Azariah C.
Sale Price $395.00
MAJOR GENERAL JOHN A. DIX - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED CHECK 07/06/1837 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 276604He signs with the other Commissioners of the Erie Canal (1837). Check signed: "John A. Dix", 6½x5. Albany, N.Y., 1837 July 6. Check no. 363, drawn on the Canal Fund account at the Mechanics' and Farmers' Bank, payable to E. E. Kendrick $2,600 in cash.
Sale Price $395.00