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BRIGADIER GENERAL VICENTE T. "BEN" BLAZ - CURRENCY SIGNED 08/08/1977 - HFSID 142613A Five Dollar Japanese note signed by the United States Brigadier General, dated 1877. Extremely rare! Currency signed: "V.T. Blaz/BGen USMC/8/8/77", in black felt tip, 6x3. A Japanese Government Five Dollar Note. Vicente T.
Price: $220.00
JACK DEMPSEY - CURRENCY SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 175535Strip of eight notes from the United States and Algeria and from the Japanese occupation forces, signed by many celebrities, including champion boxer Jack Dempsey, singer Bing Crosby, actors Basil Rathbone, Kay Francis and Tom Drake, trombonist Fred Robinson and Kansas Governor Arthur Capper
Price: $500.00
ENOLA GAY CREW (COLONEL THOMAS W. FEREBEE) - CURRENCY SIGNED 08/06/1945 - HFSID 284144Japanese occupation currency note, signed by Ferebee with details of the Hiroshima bombing. Ferebee says the bombing occurred at 09:15, an hour later than most accounts, suggesting that his watch was set to the time of his base on Tinian. Currency signed: "Thomas W.…"
Sale Price $245.00
ENOLA GAY CREW (GEORGE R. CARON) - CURRENCY SIGNED - HFSID 146652Currency signed: "George R. Caron/Tail Gunner -/Enola Gay", 6x2½. One dollar U.S. Federal Reserve Note, Series E, 1988. George R. "Bob" Caron was the tail gunner on the Enola Gay on its historic mission to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945.
Sale Price $165.00
ENOLA GAY CREW (THEODORE VAN KIRK) - CURRENCY SIGNED - HFSID 303871The navigator from the first atomic bomb mission, signs a 100-peso piece of Japanese occupation currency Currency signed: "Dutch Van Kirk/Navigator/Enola Gay/Hiroshima/6 Aug 1945", 6¼x2¾.
Price: $400.00
PRESIDENT GERALD R. FORD - CURRENCY SIGNED - HFSID 226480Gerald R. Ford signs a One dollar Federal Reserve Note Series 1985 that someone has attached his portrait over Washington's portrait. Currency signed: "Gerald R. Ford", 6x2½. One dollar Federal Reserve Note. Series 1985. With Ford's portrait pated over Washington's portrait.
Price: $300.00
LT. GENERAL WILLIAM K. HARRISON - CURRENCY SIGNED - HFSID 175037A 100 Korean Armistice Note signed by the Purple Heart Lieutenant General Currency signed: "W.K. Harrison/LTG, USA (RET)", in black ink, 6¼x3½. A 100 K.D. Korean Armistice Note. William K. Harrison, Jr.
Sale Price $175.00
SADDAM HUSSEIN - CURRENCY UNSIGNED - HFSID 290310Iraqi 25-dinar note bearing his image, with vignette depicting the Battle of Qadisyyah Currency, unsigned, 6½x2¾. Iraqi paper currency, a 25-dinar note, dating from the Saddam Hussein era and bearing his image in uniform.
Price: $600.00
CAPTAIN EDGAR D. MITCHELL - CURRENCY SIGNED - HFSID 309673The lunar module pilot on the Apollo 14 mission signs this American $1 bill Currency signed: "Ed Mitchell" in blue felt tip, 6x2½. Edgar Mitchell (1930-2016), a U.S.
Price: $300.00
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - CURRENCY SIGNED 01/01/1866 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 276843The seceding state's Public Treasurer signs a 50-cent bill. Currency signed: "R. G. Lindsay" as Public Treasurer, 5x2¾. Raleigh, North Carolina, 1862 September 1. Printed State of North Carolina Treasury note no.
Price: $280.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL CLEMENT H. STEVENS - CURRENCY SIGNED 01/19/1853 - HFSID 167767Original Five Dollar Note signed: "C.H. Stevens," 7x3. Charleston, 1853 January 19. "Planters & Mechanics Bank South Carolina Will pay on demand Five Dollars to Bearer." "Published by Toppan.Carpenter & Co.…"
Price: $1,400.00