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Membership application for the American Society of Recording Artists signed by violin virtuoso Mischa Elman. According to this application, Elman was introduced to the ASRA by singer Al Jolson. Framed to 31½x20½ with b/w photos of Elman and Jolson.

Sale Price $1,195.00

Reg. $1,400.00

Condition: Lightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Membership application for the American Society of Recording Artists signed by violin virtuoso Mischa Elman. According to this application, Elman was introduced to the ASRA by singer Al Jolson. Framed to 31½x20½ with b/w photos of Elman and Jolson.
Partly Printed DS: "Mischa Elman", 1 page, 8¼x10½. No place, circa February 1935. On letterhead of the American Society of Recording Artists, Hollywood, California. Headed: "Application for Regular Membership". Elman has filled in his address in New York City and telephone number and written: "Al Jolson" next to "Introduced by". In full: "I hereby file application for a Membership of the American Society of Recording Artists, Inc., and will abide by its By-Laws, applicable to such memberships. So that the Society may regulate and license, etc., broadcasting of, or commercial use of records or recordings heretofore, or hereafter to be made by me (meaning reproduction of my recorded voice, talent or work), for value received, I hereby assign to said Society for five (5) years, irrespective of date the same was, is, or will be released for sale, all rights of reproduction for use for broadcast and/or commercial purposes for which such recording may be used, with the right to determine royalty, charge or use to be made therefore. Rights, otherwise, contained in contracts now existing between me and recording companies are not included herein. The Society at its own expense may take such action and in such form as it deems necessary to enforce such rights against any person whomsoever, and I will execute such instruments from time to time as may be required by the Society to carry out its intentions or purposes. I shall receive a sum equal to 45% of any and all royalties collected by the Society for the broadcasting or commercial use of records or mechanical reproductions of my recorded voice, talent or work, payable monthly as received by the Society. Neither this application or membership is stick or investment security; it includes no participation in the Society's profit or losses. It is not assessable under any condition, is non-negotiable, non-voting and not transferable. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT I PAY NO DUES, NO INITIATION FEES, NO ASSESSMENTS, AND THAT I SHALL AT NO TIME BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DEBTS OR OBLIGATIONS OF THE SOCIETY, WHATSOEVER." Also signed: "Arthur W. Levy" for the Society. Framed with photographs of Elman and Jolson. An extraordinary prodigy and student of Leopold Auer, Russian violin virtuoso MISCHA ELMAN (1891-1967) was considered a premier violinist at his debut in 1904. Elman, who performed in the U.S. for the first time in 1908, became a U.S. citizen in 1923. He celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his first American tour with a concert at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Rising to stardom on the New York stage, the film career of AL JOLSON (1886-1950) began in 1926, when he sang three songs in an experimental sound short, April Showers. In 1927, he made history as the star of the world's first "talkie" feature, The Jazz Singer. Jolson went on to star in several successful musicals, including Alexander's Ragtime Band, Swanee River, Rhapsody in Blue, The Jolson Storyand Jolson Sings Again. Lightly creased with folds, light horizontal fold at the "E" of Elman. Embossed seal at Levy's signature. Overall, fine condition. Framed to an overall size of 31½x20½.

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