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Slip bearing his signature in black ink Signature: "Nelson Dingley Jr./Lewiston/Maine", 7x3½. Nelson Dingley, Jr. (1832-1899), a Republican and the longtime editor of the Lewiston Journal, was elected Governor of Maine (1874-1876).

Price: $70.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Slip bearing his signature in black ink
Signature: "Nelson Dingley Jr./Lewiston/Maine", 7x3½. Nelson Dingley, Jr. (1832-1899), a Republican and the longtime editor of the Lewiston Journal, was elected Governor of Maine (1874-1876). He was elected to the US Congress in 1881, serving until his death. During his last term, described by one observer as "destitute of humor but soundly versed in finance," Dingley chaired the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. When the incoming McKinley administration raised tariffs, reversing the lower tariffs enacted under President Cleveland, the resulting legislation was known as the Dingley Tariff (1897). Fine condition.

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