Military - Other Wars & Misc.
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MAJOR GENERAL ABREU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 05/02/1900 - HFSID 218052The Major General requests status of civil and military elements, dated 1900! Autograph Letter Signed: "Abreau" in iron gall ink. 12½x8¾. Fully Translated in English: "Cobre, May 2, 1900. General Juan Pablo Cebreca.…"
Price: $800.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218110The Cuban Revolutionary pens an affable letter to a friend regarding the organization of an army of hundreds of men with the appropiate armament Autograph Letter Signed: "Aguilera" in iron gall ink. Fully Translated in English: "Carlos Juan Manuel Maria. London, July 22, 1872.…"
Price: $1,600.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218111The Cuban Revolutionary pens a letter to a friend regarding the departure of a Spanish general from the island and the victories the revolutionaries are accomplishing. Autograph Letter Signed: "F.V. Aguilera" in iron gall ink. 7x4½, 3 pages.
Price: $1,600.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218112The Cuban Revolutionary pens a kind letter to a friend informing him about his plans for going to New York, the realization of a project and the neccesary immediate action of one of the revolutionaries Generals. Autograph Letter Signed: "Aguilera" in iron gall ink. 10x8.
Price: $1,600.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218114The Cuban revolutionary pens a respectful letter to another revolutionary asking him to look after the wife of one of the bravest Generals who is in deep misery! Autograph Letter Signed: "F.V. Aguilera" in iron gall ink. 8¼x10½.In full from Spanish: "C.…"
Sale Price $1,350.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218116The Cuban Revolutionary pens a letter regarding his experience living in a megapolis and his struggling with the English language. Autograph Letter Signed: "F.V. Aguilera", in iron gall ink. 7x4½.
Price: $1,600.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 03/20/1865 - HFSID 218115The Cuban Revolutionary pens a letter to a friend to inform him about his health condition, plans for meeting with him and to reassure his willingness to solve problems peacefully. Autograph Letter Signed: "Aguilera" in iron gall ink.
Sale Price $1,195.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT SIGNED 10/10/1871 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 218117The Cuban Revolutionaries write a letter to the American People telling them about the situation of their country and asking them for help on these 5½x8¼ sixteen sheets. Autograph Document Signed: "F.V. Aguilera" and "Ramon Cespedes" in iron gall ink.
Sale Price $1,350.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL JAMES L. ALCORN - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 34215Small card signed by James Lusk Alcorn, Governor and U. S. Senator from Mississippi Signature: "J.L. Alcorn/Miss". 3½x2¼ card. Illinois-born Alcorn (1816-1894) was Republican Governor of Mississippi (1870-1871) and U. S. Senator from Mississippi (1871-1877).
Price: $180.00
MAJOR GENERAL H. LETHBRIDGE ALEXANDER - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 06/21/1935 - HFSID 175052Autograph Letter signed: "H. Lethbridge Alexander", 1p, 5¼x6¾. Aldermoor, Beaulieu, Hants (England), 1935 June 21. On personal letterhead. To "Dear Sir". In full: "I regret the delay in replying to your letter of 18th but I have only just returned fromWales.…"
Price: $200.00
GENERAL JOHN R. ALLEN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 295219The Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan is shown in his Marine uniform earlier in his career Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Jeffrey/Best wishes/John R. Allen/B Gen USMC". Color, 8x10. On July 18, 2011, General John R. Allen (b.
Price: $280.00
GENERAL LEW ALLEN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 204052Photograph signed: "Lew Allen/JPL". B/w, 8½x11. General Allen was Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force from 1978-1982. From 1982-1989, he served as Director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Price: $120.00
GENERAL LEW ALLEN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 1978 - HFSID 24005Photograph signed: "Lew Allen". Color, 8x10. General Allen was Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force from 1978-1982. He served on President Clinton's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (1993-1995) and as Director of the National Security Agency. Fine condition.
Sale Price $115.00
CAPTAIN SCOTT ALTMAN - PRINTED CARD SIGNED IN INK - HFSID 264127His ink signature on a card with printed space shuttle image Printed Card signed in ink: "Scott Altman", 5x3½ card, Printed image of a space shuttle on left side of card. Scott Altman (b. 1959) was a Marine fighter and test pilot.
Price: $90.00
JEFFERY AMHERST - MANUSCRIPT LETTER SIGNED 10/10/1793 - HFSID 285032Signed Manuscript Letter as Commander in Chief of the British Army (1793) informing a Major Alexander Hume that he has been appointed to a post in the Scotch Brigade. Framed with an engraving of Amherst to an overall size of 18½x15½.
Sale Price $995.00
WILLIAM PITT "1ST EARL OF AMHERST" AMHERST - AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT SIGNED 10/14/1820 - HFSID 23673His handwritten pass admitting the bearer to the House of Lords Autograph Document signed: "Amherst", 1p, 4½x4½. (London), 1820 October 14. In full: "Admit the Bearer below the Bar of the House of Lords on Tuesday next.…"
Price: $160.00
ADMIRAL ALFONSO ARAUJO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 142626Photo signed by the Spanish admiral Photograph signed in Spanish: "Alfonso Araujo/almirante de la/marina española". B/w, 6½x8½ overall, image 5½x7½ (one surface). This admiral of the Spanish navy, shown here in uniform, merits further research.
Price: $160.00
REAR ADMIRAL CONWAY H. ARNOLD - AUTOGRAPH - HFSID 24013Signature: "C.H. Arnold/Rear Admiral U.S.N.", 5½x3, imprinted at top: "United States Ship Maine". On December 16, 1907, President Roosevelt sent the Great White Fleet of 16 battleships on a cruise around the world, returning home on February 22, 1909.
Price: $140.00
H.O. ARNOLD-FORSTER - CLIPPED SIGNATURE - HFSID 81091British politician and former Secretary of State for War signs his name in gray ink Clipped signature: "H.O. Arnold-Forster" in gray ink. 4x1¼, affixed to 7½x6½ piece of paper. H. O.
Price: $90.00
COLONEL EMILIO AVALOS Y ACOSTA - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 218099The Colonel writes Chief Commander Pedro Llanes to certify the good conduct of Commandant Jose Lauvas y Osuna Manuscript Document Signed: "Emilio Avalos" and "Pedro Llanes" in iron gall ink. 10x8.
Price: $1,000.00
EMILIO BACARDI Y MOREAU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218043The Cuban business-man pens a receipt to some clients of his rum company. Autograph Letter Signed: "Bacardi Y." in iron gall ink. 8¼x5¼.
Price: $1,600.00
EMILIO BACARDI Y MOREAU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218044The Cuban business man an activist writes a list to some clients referring to some expenses such as: red beans, milk cookies, anemones and books. Autograph Letter Signed: "Bacardi Y." in iron gall ink. 10¾x8½.
Price: $1,600.00
EMILIO BACARDI Y MOREAU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218045The Cuban business man and activist writes a letter to friend Luis Manuel thanking him for his letter and referring to an assembly and the end of the war! Autograph Letter Signed: "Bacardi" in iron gall ink. 11x8½. In Spanish, Illegible.
Sale Price $1,350.00
EMILIO BACARDI Y MOREAU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218046The Cuban business man and activist writes a letter to some clients informing them that his company has sent them the requested liquor. Autograph Letter Signed: "Bacardi" in iron gall ink. 10½x8. Fully Translated in English: "Cuba, February 1, 1884. Messrs. G.…"
Sale Price $1,350.00
GEORGE E. BADGER - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 1/20 - HFSID 17166ALS: "Geo. E. Badger", 2p, front and verso, 5¼x8. Raleigh, (no year) January 20. In part: "Your telegraph last night took me completely by surprise. Carroll has failed and is no longer infallible...I telegraphed you last night that I could not come...…"
Sale Price $250.00
GEORGE E. BADGER - MANUSCRIPT LETTER SIGNED 05/24/1841 - HFSID 17182Manuscript LS: "Geo. E. Badger" as Tyler's Secretary of the Navy, 1p, 8x10. Navy Department, 1841 May 24. To Assistant Surgeon William Grier, U.S. Ship Cyane, Norfolk. In full: "The Department has learned from the reports of the Commandant of the U.S.…"
Price: $220.00
COMMODORE WILLIAM BAINBRIDGE - ENGRAVING UNSIGNED - HFSID 174775The U.S. Navy Commander is depicted in this 9½x12 engraving that features his facsimile signature underneath Engraving Unsigned: facsimile signature at bottom “W. Bain bridge” on a 9½x12 sheet of paper. Actual image 3½x4½.
Price: $200.00
MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM A. BECKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 171667Photograph signed: "W A Becker/Maj Gen, USA". B/w, 8x10. Official U.S. Army photo. Major General William A. Becker was Chief of Legislative Liaison for the Army. Creased.
Price: $160.00
REAR ADMIRAL REGINALD R. BELKNAP - AUTOGRAPH NOTE SIGNED 04/30/1942 - HFSID 311746The veteran of four US wars signed here as a Rear Admiral (retired). Autograph Note signed: "Best wishes for Ronald Smith/from Reginald R. Belknap/Rear Admiral, U. S. N., retired/At Washington's Statue/Sub-Treasury,New York/April 30, 1942", 6x4½.
Sale Price $165.00
MAJOR GENERAL JAMES F. BELL - DOCUMENT SIGNED 06/27/1904 - HFSID 24325As Commandant of the Army Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, the Medal of Honor winner signs the graduation certificate of a lieutenant Document signed: "J. F. Bell" as Commandant , 1 page, 19x15. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1904 June 27.
Sale Price $295.00