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WILLIAM PITT "1ST EARL OF AMHERST" AMHERST - AUTOGRAPH DOCUMENT SIGNED 10/14/1820 - HFSID 23673His handwritten pass admitting the bearer to the House of Lords Autograph Document signed: "Amherst", 1p, 4½x4½. (London), 1820 October 14. In full: "Admit the Bearer below the Bar of the House of Lords on Tuesday next.…"
Price: $160.00
COLONEL EMILIO AVALOS Y ACOSTA - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 218099The Colonel writes Chief Commander Pedro Llanes to certify the good conduct of Commandant Jose Lauvas y Osuna Manuscript Document Signed: "Emilio Avalos" and "Pedro Llanes" in iron gall ink. 10x8.
Price: $1,000.00
MAJOR GENERAL JAMES F. BELL - DOCUMENT SIGNED 06/27/1904 - HFSID 24325As Commandant of the Army Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, the Medal of Honor winner signs the graduation certificate of a lieutenant Document signed: "J. F. Bell" as Commandant , 1 page, 19x15. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1904 June 27.
Sale Price $295.00
GENERAL SAMUEL BRECK - DOCUMENT SIGNED 06/07/1864 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 262944As Assistant Adjutant General, he signs the war-dated Inspection List of a private in the 3rd Regiment of Maine Volunteers, preparing for discharge after three years in the Union Army. Partly Printed Document signed: "Samuel Breck" as Assistant Adjutant General.
Price: $500.00
GENERAL JOSE MANUEL CAPOTE SOSA - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 07/24/1896 - HFSID 218105The Cuban liberal military and politician instructs the Captain of Regiment to not allow any soldier to take animals on their war way without authorization Manuscript Document Signed: "Jose M. Capote" in iron gall ink. 8x5. Fully Translated in English: "Order of July 24, 1896.…"
Sale Price $675.00
PRESIDENT FIDEL CASTRO (CUBA) - DOCUMENT SIGNED 06/17/1961 - HFSID 265230He signs the diploma of a graduate of the University of Havana (1961). Partly printed DS: "Fidel Castro" as Cuban Minister of Education, 1 page, 16x21. Havana, 1961 June 17. In Spanish with translation. Countersigned: "Francisco Parleir" as Dean, "U. Clemente" as Rector, "G.…"
Price: $1,800.00
PRESIDENT FIDEL CASTRO (CUBA) - DOCUMENT SIGNED 07/31/2001 - HFSID 268434This document features the Cuban dictator's signature Document signed: "Fidel Castro", 1p, 11¾x17½. Text in Spanish. Havana, Cuba, 2001 July 31. Recognition of Yulnika Infante Seivanes for completion of an intensive social work course.
Price: $1,750.00
PRESIDENT FIDEL CASTRO (CUBA) - DOCUMENT SIGNED CIRCA 2001 - HFSID 265231He signs a colorful 11x17 document recognizing a student for participating in the University Social Work Brigade (2001). Document signed: "Fidel Castro", 1 page, 11x17. Text in Spanish. Havana, Cuba, 2001 July 26.
Sale Price $1,450.00
MAJOR GENERAL F. W. COE - DOCUMENT UNSIGNED 03/01/1904 - HFSID 85865The Army General's signature is printed on this progress report for a cadet of West Point Military Academy Document unsigned. United States Military Academy at West Point Class and Conduct Report for William W. West, Jr. March 1, 1904. Stamped signature at center of page. Major General F.
Price: $90.00
MAJOR GENERAL F. W. COE - DOCUMENT UNSIGNED 11/12/1903 - HFSID 85866The Army General's signature is printed on this progress report for a cadet of West Point Military Academy Document unsigned. United States Military Academy at West Point Class and Conduct Report for William W. West, Jr. November 12, 1903. Stamped signature at center of page.
Price: $90.00
GENERAL RAFAEL DE CARDENAS Y BENITEZ - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 11/03/1898 - HFSID 218100The Cuban General writes a very good recommendation letter for Commandant Jose Lamas Garcia de Osuna, exalting his good behavior and courage and listing that he never got injured in three combats which specify by place and date.
Price: $1,400.00
PRESIDENT CARLOS MANUEL PERFECTO DEL CARMEN DE CESPEDES Y LOPEZ DEL CASTILLO (CUBA) - DOCUMENT SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 218140The Father of the Cuban Nation and Secretary of War sign an non-transferable patent that authorizes a person to arm and crew vessels with the flag of Cuba and to attack any other vessel hoisting the Spanish flag. Document Signed: "C Ma.…"
Price: $2,250.00
PRESIDENT CARLOS MANUEL PERFECTO DEL CARMEN DE CESPEDES Y LOPEZ DEL CASTILLO (CUBA) - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 06/10/1869 - HFSID 218134The Founding Father of Cuba who was the first President of the Republic of Cuba in Arms pens an important letter granting Francisco Cisneros and companion the right to travel overseas via any Cuban port assuring they will offer all the help needed and requesting to be requited.
Price: $2,250.00
MAJOR GENERAL PEDRO ANTONIO DIAZ MOLINA - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 04/25/1899 - HFSID 218129The Cuban Major General who emancipated himself from slavery writes a message to Commander Alfredo Nodarse to inform him that his application to the Lieutenant Colonel rank had been elevated to superiority and signs his name in Fatherland and Liberty Manuscript Document Signed: "Ped…"
Price: $1,400.00
JOHN ENDECOTT - DOCUMENT SIGNED - HFSID 283508JOHN ENDECOTT This exceedingly rare document is from the very earliest history of the American colonies and Massachusetts! It's a five-line complaint signed by John Endecott, colonial governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in Marblehead, Massachusetts in 1649.
Price: $11,250.00
MAJOR GENERAL JAMES BARNET FRY - DOCUMENT SIGNED 04/23/1861 - HFSID 131651As ordered by President Lincoln, he conveys a command to dismiss a lieutenant from the US Army, eleven days after Fort Sumter. Document signed: "James B. Fry" as Assistant Adjutant General, 1 page, 4¾x7 attached to 4¾x7¾ card (two surfaces).
Price: $500.00
PRESIDENT AURELIO MARIO GABRIEL FRANCISCO GARCIA MENOCAL Y DEOP (CUBA) - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 11/24/1895 - HFSID 218062The Cuban President writes an interesting letter to the Chief of the 4th Liberation Army Force to inform him about the decision of the Government Council about the entrance of merchandise to the towns Manuscript Document Signed: "M. G. Menocal" in iron gall ink. 8½x6½.
Sale Price $1,350.00
PRESIDENT AURELIO MARIO GABRIEL FRANCISCO GARCIA MENOCAL Y DEOP (CUBA) - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 11/24/1895 - HFSID 218064The Cuban lawyer and later President of Cuba writes an important letter to the Chief of the 4th Army Force informing him of the decision made by the Council Government regarding the switching of civil positions for many government functionaries, including the president himself Manuscript Do
Price: $1,400.00
MAJOR GENERAL QUINCY ADAMS GILLMORE - DOCUMENT SIGNED CIRCA 1862 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 131661Gillmore signed this requisition in 1862 for clothes and forage for the 7th Connecticut Volunteers during the American Civil War. Quartermaster Rufus Saxton dated this document less than a month before he was promoted to Brigadier General of U.S. Volunteers. Partly Printed DS: "Q.A.…"
Sale Price $550.00
HARRY L. HAWTHORNE - DOCUMENT SIGNED CIRCA 1899 - HFSID 274472Partly Printed DS: "H.L. Hawthorne/1 lieut. 6th Artry.", 1p, 13¾x8¼. Not filled in. Docketed (unknown hand) on verso. Docket, which is Voucher No. 433, is for the "Payroll of Light Baty 'D' 6th Artillery, Captain A.B. Dyer" for the month of March and April, 1899.
Price: $120.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL SAMUEL B. HOLABIRD - ANNOTATED DOCUMENT SIGNED 09/12/1863 - HFSID 177235Samuel B. Holabird signed this war-dated document in 1863 as Chief Quartermaster of the U. S. Army's Department of the Gulf to acknowledge the receipt of $3,386.84 in quartermaster's funds. Holabird later became Chief Quartermaster of the Army 20 years after signing this document.
Price: $775.00
PRESIDENT ANDREW JACKSON - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 09/28/1830 - HFSID 285928His Presidential signature on an 1830 land grant awarded to two lieutenants for military service and assigned by them to someone else Manuscript DS: "Andrew Jackson" as President, 1 page, 25¼x16. Washington, 1830 September 28. On vellum. Countersigned: "Jno. M.…"
Price: $3,750.00
JOHN LODER - DOCUMENT DOUBLE SIGNED 08/22/1946 - HFSID 289006Consent form authorizing the Motion Picture Relief Fund to reproduce John Loder's signature and likeness for a series of stamps raising money for needy film industry veterans. The form is signed twice by John, once as an autograph sample and again to grant permission.
Price: $700.00
GENERAL CHARLES SWAIN LOVELL - DOCUMENT TRIPLE SIGNED 09/30/1864 - HFSID 177234Thrice-signed, Civil War-dated pay voucher (17x11). As Lt. Col. of the 18th Union Infantry, Lovell reports to himself that he has paid himself his monthly pay and expenses. Document signed three times: "Chas. L. Lovell, Lt. Col., 18th Inf U.S.A.". 1 page, 17x11.
Sale Price $595.00
LT. GENERAL JOHN MacDONALD - DOCUMENT SIGNED 05/04/1836 - HFSID 142676The nineteenth-century Adjutant-General of British forces signs off on an officer's commission in black ink Document signed: "John MacDonald/ AG" in black ink. 1 page, 8½x9½ folded. Horse Guards, London, England. May 4, 1836. Addressed to Cornet J.W.G.
Price: $460.00
GENERAL JOSE MARCELINO (JOSE MARCELINO MACEO GRAJALES) MACEO GRAJALES - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 11/26/1895 - HFSID 218065The Cuban Major General writes an important message to Lieutenant Colonel Valeriano Hierreguedo informing him his decision of granting Sergeant Jose Pullis the rank of Sub Lieutenant Manuscript Document Signed: "Jose Maceo" in iron gall ink. 8¾x6¼.
Sale Price $1,195.00
CHRIS MADSEN - PRINTED DOCUMENT SIGNED IN INK 06/29/1909 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 288333The famed lawman, one of Oklahoma's "Three Guardsmen," reports to the Court his failure to find a fugitive. Accompanied by the subpoena he had attempted to serve, signed by Circuit Court Judge Ralph E. Campbell. Partly Printed Document signed: "C.…"
Price: $2,400.00
LT. COLONEL MANUEL ANTONIO MARTINEZ - MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT SIGNED 10/11/1898 - HFSID 218101The Lieutenant Colonel who fought for the independence of Cuba highlights the good attitudes and services given by Captain Jose Francisco Lama y Osuna and gives him the highest considerations and praises Manuscript Document Signed: "Manuel Antonio Martinez" in iron gall ink.
Price: $575.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL ROSWELL S. RIPLEY - DOCUMENT SIGNED 12/24/1862 - HFSID 51899Partly Printed DS: "Approved/RS Ripley/BGen", 1p, 7¾x9½. South Carolina, 1862 December 23. Headed: "Requisition for Ordnance and Ordnance Stores for Troops stationed/In the First Military District S.C.…"
Price: $1,600.00
RUMANIAN GOVERNMENT - DOCUMENT SIGNED 12/03/1887 - HFSID 276867RUMANIAN GOVERNMENT In a predominantly Jewish community later ravaged by the Holocaust, Solomon Iticú is exempted from military service by this 1887 document.
Price: $90.00