Military - Other Wars & Misc. | Letters
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MAJOR GENERAL ABREU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 05/02/1900 - HFSID 218052The Major General requests status of civil and military elements, dated 1900! Autograph Letter Signed: "Abreau" in iron gall ink. 12½x8¾. Fully Translated in English: "Cobre, May 2, 1900. General Juan Pablo Cebreca.…"
Price: $800.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218110The Cuban Revolutionary pens an affable letter to a friend regarding the organization of an army of hundreds of men with the appropiate armament Autograph Letter Signed: "Aguilera" in iron gall ink. Fully Translated in English: "Carlos Juan Manuel Maria. London, July 22, 1872.…"
Price: $1,600.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218111The Cuban Revolutionary pens a letter to a friend regarding the departure of a Spanish general from the island and the victories the revolutionaries are accomplishing. Autograph Letter Signed: "F.V. Aguilera" in iron gall ink. 7x4½, 3 pages.
Price: $1,600.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218112The Cuban Revolutionary pens a kind letter to a friend informing him about his plans for going to New York, the realization of a project and the neccesary immediate action of one of the revolutionaries Generals. Autograph Letter Signed: "Aguilera" in iron gall ink. 10x8.
Price: $1,600.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218114The Cuban revolutionary pens a respectful letter to another revolutionary asking him to look after the wife of one of the bravest Generals who is in deep misery! Autograph Letter Signed: "F.V. Aguilera" in iron gall ink. 8¼x10½.In full from Spanish: "C.…"
Sale Price $1,350.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218116The Cuban Revolutionary pens a letter regarding his experience living in a megapolis and his struggling with the English language. Autograph Letter Signed: "F.V. Aguilera", in iron gall ink. 7x4½.
Price: $1,600.00
FRANCISCO VICENTE AGUILERA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 03/20/1865 - HFSID 218115The Cuban Revolutionary pens a letter to a friend to inform him about his health condition, plans for meeting with him and to reassure his willingness to solve problems peacefully. Autograph Letter Signed: "Aguilera" in iron gall ink.
Sale Price $1,195.00
MAJOR GENERAL H. LETHBRIDGE ALEXANDER - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 06/21/1935 - HFSID 175052Autograph Letter signed: "H. Lethbridge Alexander", 1p, 5¼x6¾. Aldermoor, Beaulieu, Hants (England), 1935 June 21. On personal letterhead. To "Dear Sir". In full: "I regret the delay in replying to your letter of 18th but I have only just returned fromWales.…"
Price: $200.00
JEFFERY AMHERST - MANUSCRIPT LETTER SIGNED 10/10/1793 - HFSID 285032Signed Manuscript Letter as Commander in Chief of the British Army (1793) informing a Major Alexander Hume that he has been appointed to a post in the Scotch Brigade. Framed with an engraving of Amherst to an overall size of 18½x15½.
Sale Price $995.00
EMILIO BACARDI Y MOREAU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218043The Cuban business-man pens a receipt to some clients of his rum company. Autograph Letter Signed: "Bacardi Y." in iron gall ink. 8¼x5¼.
Price: $1,600.00
EMILIO BACARDI Y MOREAU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218044The Cuban business man an activist writes a list to some clients referring to some expenses such as: red beans, milk cookies, anemones and books. Autograph Letter Signed: "Bacardi Y." in iron gall ink. 10¾x8½.
Price: $1,600.00
EMILIO BACARDI Y MOREAU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218045The Cuban business man and activist writes a letter to friend Luis Manuel thanking him for his letter and referring to an assembly and the end of the war! Autograph Letter Signed: "Bacardi" in iron gall ink. 11x8½. In Spanish, Illegible.
Sale Price $1,350.00
EMILIO BACARDI Y MOREAU - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218046The Cuban business man and activist writes a letter to some clients informing them that his company has sent them the requested liquor. Autograph Letter Signed: "Bacardi" in iron gall ink. 10½x8. Fully Translated in English: "Cuba, February 1, 1884. Messrs. G.…"
Sale Price $1,350.00
GEORGE E. BADGER - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 1/20 - HFSID 17166ALS: "Geo. E. Badger", 2p, front and verso, 5¼x8. Raleigh, (no year) January 20. In part: "Your telegraph last night took me completely by surprise. Carroll has failed and is no longer infallible...I telegraphed you last night that I could not come...…"
Sale Price $250.00
GEORGE E. BADGER - MANUSCRIPT LETTER SIGNED 05/24/1841 - HFSID 17182Manuscript LS: "Geo. E. Badger" as Tyler's Secretary of the Navy, 1p, 8x10. Navy Department, 1841 May 24. To Assistant Surgeon William Grier, U.S. Ship Cyane, Norfolk. In full: "The Department has learned from the reports of the Commandant of the U.S.…"
Price: $220.00
LT. COLONEL ARTHUR JOHN BIGGE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/10/1896 - HFSID 81605The private secretary to Queen Victoria signs this letter in which he thanks the recipient for a transparency of Windsor Castle Autograph letter signed: "Arthur Bigge" in black ink. 4½x7¼. December 10, 1896. Written on letterhead of Windsor Castle, to "Messr.…"
Sale Price $105.00
SIDNEY BREESE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 06/13/1844 - HFSID 262922Sidney Breese wrote this letter in Washington, D. C. in 1848, during his second year as U. S. Senator from Illinois, to an autograph hunter. Autograph letter signed "Sidney Breese". Pencil notations near bottom edge in unknown hand. 1 page, 7¾x9¾. Washington, D. C.
Sale Price $215.00
SIDNEY BREESE - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 08/02/1848 - HFSID 34282Sidney Breese wrote this letter in Washington, D. C. in 1848, during his second-to-last year as U. S. Senator from Illinois, to say that he'd be happy to comply with a request. Autograph letter signed "Sidney Breese". 1 page, 7¾x8¾. Washington, D. C., Aug. 2, 1848.
Price: $260.00
GENERAL JOSE MANUEL CAPOTE SOSA - MANUSCRIPT LETTER SIGNED 04/24/1896 - HFSID 218107The Cuban liberal military writes a letter to Brigadier Cornelio Rojas to reprimand him for the disorganization of his forces because even the President of the Republic himself had complained about it Manuscript Letter Signed: "Jose M. Capote" in iron gall ink. 8¾x6¼.
Sale Price $675.00
GENERAL JOSE MANUEL CAPOTE SOSA - MANUSCRIPT LETTER SIGNED 04/28/1896 - HFSID 218106The Cuban liberal military writes a letter to Brigadier Cornelio Rojas to give him instructions for the war Manuscript Letter Signed: "Jose M. Capote" in iron gall ink. 8x5¼. Fully Translated in English: "R of G. 2nd. Army Force. 2nd Division E.M. N.11.…"
Price: $800.00
GENERAL FRANCISCO CARRILLO MORALES - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 04/01/1898 - HFSID 218061The Cuban General and later Vice President writes a letter to his friend General Agent Luis informing him about his efforts to find Teodoro Gulmell, the important achievements of their liberal movement, the war press, the desire to make Spanish troops miserable and the great expectations of
Sale Price $1,495.00
T. J. "TED" CONWAY - TYPED LETTER SIGNED 07/23/1969 - HFSID 172188In lieu of his retirement, the distinguished US Army General sends a thank you letter to a supportive friend. Extremely rare! Typed letter signed: "Ted" in black ink, 1p, 7x8½. Macdill Air Force Base, Florida, 23 July 1969.
Price: $320.00
GENERAL FERNANDO CORTINA - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 10/15/1895 - HFSID 218095The General who fought for the independence of Cuba writes a relevant letter to Carlos Roloff to congratulate him for his designation as Minister of War and referring to the good path of their cause and to different war issues. He also clarifies the innocence of Mr.
Sale Price $485.00
GENERAL E. R. CRAWFORD - TYPED LETTER TWICE SIGNED 04/04/1973 - HFSID 24109Typed Letter signed in 1973 as Deputy Commander, US European Command. He has initialed an autograph note on the same page. Typed Letter signed: "E. R. Crawford", 1 page, 7x8½. US European Command (Stuttgart, Germany), 1973 April 4.
Price: $220.00
RAFAEL DE CASTRO - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218098The Cuban patriotic writes an interesting letter to his friend Jose Maria Rodriguez referring to the war for the independence of the nation and assuring him that his retirement will not only do not affect their movement but instead help it Autograph Letter Signed: "Rafael de Castro"
Sale Price $485.00
PRESIDENT CARLOS MANUEL PERFECTO DEL CARMEN DE CESPEDES Y LOPEZ DEL CASTILLO (CUBA) - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218135The Father of the Nation and First President of the Republic of Cuba in Arms writes a significant letter to Mayor General Francisco y Cisneros referring to the corruption of Holguin, the imprisonment of the Assembly of New York, the achievements of their movement, the law of the military org
Price: $2,250.00
COLONEL JUAN DE LEON - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 09/21/1897 - HFSID 218040The Colonel who fought for the independence of Cuba writes an interesting letter to the Delegate of the Treasure Emilio Latulades telling him he couldn't grand his request due to the unfavorable events that the revolution was experimenting but at the same time offers him support for the caus
Price: $850.00
COLONEL CORNELIO M. DE ROJAS - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 218103The controversial Colonel who fought for the independence of Cuba and whose execution was ordered without any trial by the popular Government Official Ernesto "Che" Guevara, writes a letter to General Fernando Gomez congratulating him for his service and that people from inside and outside L
Price: $1,000.00
COLONEL CARLOS DUBOY - MANUSCRIPT LETTER SIGNED 10/12/1899 - HFSID 218054The Colonel who fought for the independence of Cuba informs Lieutenant Colonel F. Lamas that the Council has confer him a secret an important mission and that the Secretary would give him more details about it Manuscript Letter Signed: "Carlos Duboy" in iron gall ink.
Sale Price $1,350.00
DUKE (ARTHUR WELLESLEY) OF WELLINGTON (GREAT BRITIAN) - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED - HFSID 29736Famed British general sends his thanks to a Mr. Penrod, for his honorary membership into a club of which his father was once a part of Autograph letter signed: "W" in black ink. 1 page, front and verso, 4½x7¼. In part: "My dear Mr.…"
Sale Price $495.00