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GENERAL JOHN R. ALLEN - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 295219The Commander of US Forces in Afghanistan is shown in his Marine uniform earlier in his career Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Jeffrey/Best wishes/John R. Allen/B Gen USMC". Color, 8x10. On July 18, 2011, General John R. Allen (b.
Price: $280.00
GENERAL LEW ALLEN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 204052Photograph signed: "Lew Allen/JPL". B/w, 8½x11. General Allen was Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force from 1978-1982. From 1982-1989, he served as Director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Price: $120.00
GENERAL LEW ALLEN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 1978 - HFSID 24005Photograph signed: "Lew Allen". Color, 8x10. General Allen was Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force from 1978-1982. He served on President Clinton's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (1993-1995) and as Director of the National Security Agency. Fine condition.
Sale Price $115.00
ADMIRAL ALFONSO ARAUJO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 142626Photo signed by the Spanish admiral Photograph signed in Spanish: "Alfonso Araujo/almirante de la/marina española". B/w, 6½x8½ overall, image 5½x7½ (one surface). This admiral of the Spanish navy, shown here in uniform, merits further research.
Price: $160.00
MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM A. BECKER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 171667Photograph signed: "W A Becker/Maj Gen, USA". B/w, 8x10. Official U.S. Army photo. Major General William A. Becker was Chief of Legislative Liaison for the Army. Creased.
Price: $160.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL MARSHALL B. WEBB - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 320878Uniformed 4x6 image of the man who sat beside President Obama in the situation room during the raid that killed bin Laden Photograph signed: "Marshall B. Webb/Brig. Gen. USAF". Color, 4x6. US Air Force Brigadier General Marshall B. Webb (b.
Price: $180.00
MAJOR GENERAL R. J.A. BRYGOO - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 257774French peacetime military officer. Photograph signed: "Brygoo". B/w, 8x10. French Major General R.J.A. Brygoo was the Chief Signal Officer of the Allied Land Forces Central Europe in the mid-20th century. This official U.S. Army photograph was taken on July 19, 1954.
Price: $200.00
PRESIDENT FIDEL CASTRO (CUBA) - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 268690Rare signed photo of the dictator in an informal pose, chatting with two women Rare Informal Photograph signed: "Fidel Castro Ruz". B/w, 7x4½.
Price: $1,800.00
ADMIRAL RICHARD G. COLBERT - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 24095Photograph signed: "Good Luck and Best Wishes Richard G. Colbert/Vice Admiral US Navy". B/w, 8x10½. After serving as Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (1971-1972), Admiral Richard G.
Price: $200.00
COLONEL ROBERT E. BITNER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 171659Signed and inscribed photograph of the WWII veteran Colonel. A rare signature. Inscribed Photograph signed: "To/Dr. Claudius F. Mayer/with best wishes/Robert E. Bitner/Col. M.C. USA", in black ink. B/w, 8x10.
Price: $90.00
LT. GENERAL JOSEPH R. DELUCA - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH 7/1975 - HFSID 24123Shown as an Air Force Lieutenant General, he signed this photo in 1975. Photograph signed: "Regards/Joe Deluca/July 75". B/w 7½x9½. Joseph R. DeLuca (b.
Price: $200.00
AMHERST F. GRAVES - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 22177Shown as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Union Army, he has signed with his unit designation on verso of this 2x3½ photo. Photograph signed: "A F. Graves/2nd Lt. Co. 'I'/12th Regt./Ill. Cavalry", on verso. Sepia, 2x3½ affixed to embellished card-two surfaces. Photographer: Geo.
Price: $200.00
ADMIRAL CHARLES D. GRIFFIN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 24195Photograph signed: "With my very best wishes/C D Griffin/Admiral, US Navy". B/w, 8x10 overall, image 7½x8¼ (one surface). Vice Admiral Charles D. Griffin was Deputy Chief of Staff for Fleet Operations and Readiness during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.
Price: $200.00
LT. GENERAL EDWARD HANLON JR. - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 295220The Marine Lieutenant General is shown wearing his uniform. Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Jeffrey/Best wishes/Edward Hanlon Jr.". Color, 8x10. Lieutenant General Edward Hanlon, Jr. holds master's degrees from Pepperdine University and the University of Minnesota.
Price: $160.00
LT. GENERAL EDWARD HANLON JR. - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 295258The Lieutenant General is shown posing in uniform in front of an American flag. Inscribed Photograph signed: "Jeffrey-/Best wishes/S/Fi/Lt Gen Hanlon", Color 8x10. Lieutenant General Edward Hanlon, Jr.
Sale Price $135.00
BRIGADIER GENERAL THOMAS JEFFERSON HENDERSON - BOOK PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED - HFSID 174743Book Photograph signed: "Thomas J. Henderson". B/w, 6¾x9¾ overall, image 4x5½ (one surface). Thomas Jefferson Henderson (1824-1911), an attorney and veteran of the American Civil War, served as a Republican U.S. Congressman from Illinois from 1875-1895.
Price: $320.00
ADMIRAL JAMES L. HOLLOWAY JR. - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 242338x10 photo in uniform, signed as admiral Photograph signed: "J. L. Holloway Jr./Admiral". B/w, 8x10. James L. Holloway, Jr. (1898-1984) served on a destroyer patrolling for U Boats in World War I.
Price: $200.00
GENERAL PETER HUNT - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 258660Photograph signed: "Peter Hunt/General/CGS (UK). B/w, 6½x8½. General Sir Peter Hunt was Chief of the British General Staff (1973-1976).…"
Price: $160.00
CHAIRMAN NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV - NEWSPAPER PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED 1963 - HFSID 27613He signs below a 10x3 photo on the front page of Pravda. Newspaper Photograph signed: "N. Khrushchev" (twice). First two pages of the newspaper "Pravda", 1963 February 24.
Price: $1,400.00
IVAN LEBEDEFF - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 11/20/1928 - HFSID 280933Inscribed sepia photo, seated, wearing dress gloves, signed in Hollywood in 1928 Photograph inscribed and signed: "To Burtón/As a memory from/[untranslated foreign phrase]/Ivan B. Lebedeff/20 Nov. 1928". Sepia, 7¼x9¼.
Price: $200.00
ADMIRAL SAMUEL J. LOCKLEAR III - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 07/2004 - HFSID 295257The Admiral is shown posing in uniform in front of the American flag. Inscribed Photograph signed: "Jeffrey,/Best of luck and/Thanks for your service/and support-/S.J. Locklear/Rear Admiral/US - July 2004" Color 8x10. Admiral Samuel J.
Sale Price $165.00
JOHN LODER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 281447Small 4½x6¼ sepia-toned photo of actor John Loder in a suit and tie and holding a pipe Inscribed photograph signed "Betty/from/John Loder". B/w sepia-toned, 4½x6¼ with thin white border along right edge, printed on cardstock.
Price: $300.00
JOHN LODER - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH 1937 - HFSID 289401Black and white photo of Loder wearing a suit holding a cigarette, Inscribed in person to collector Saul Goodman Inscribed photograph signed: "To Saul/ with best wishes/John Loder, '37". B/w 8x10. Collector's ink stamp on verso dates signature: October 16, 1937.
Sale Price $215.00
JOHN LODER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 295872The actor is shown in full view in this 2½x4 black and white photograph. Photograph signed: "John Loder", B/w 2½x4.
Price: $220.00
GENERAL FRANK THOMAS MILDREN - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 243125x7 color image of the Silver Star-winning veteran of three US wars, Deputy Commander of US forces in Vietnam Photograph signed: "Frank T. Mildren/LTG. DCG CONARC". [Deputy Commander, Continental Army Command]. Color, 5x7.
Price: $260.00
GENERAL RICHARD J. MULCAHY - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 2843884x6 photo in army uniform, signed by him in Gaelic "Risteard O' Maolchatha". Extremely rare! Photograph signed: "Risteard O' Maolchatha". B/w, 4¼x5¾. Mounted on heavy cardstock. Richard James Mulcahy was an Irish nationalist who fought in the 1916 Easter Rising.
Price: $1,450.00
FIELD MARSHAL ROBERT CORNELIS NAPIER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 81121Photograph signed: "Napier of Magdala". Sepia, 2½x3, circularly trimmed at top. Formerly, a carte de visite.
Price: $280.00
GENERAL CHARLES D. PALMER - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 171720The four-star United States general penned his signature on this black and white photograph Photograph Signed: “With best wishes/ Charles D. Palmer/ General US Army (Ret)”. 8x10. B/w. Charles D.
Price: $160.00
PRINCE HERBERT VON BISMARK (GERMANY) - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 29684Photograph signed: "H. Bismarck". Sepia, 4¼x6½ overall, image 4x5½. Cabinet photograph by Von Bosch of Frankfurt with ornate photographer's imprint on verso. The son of the "Iron Chancellor", Herbert Bismarck served in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870.
Price: $550.00
MAJOR GENERAL MASTIN M. ROBESON - AUTOGRAPHED INSCRIBED PHOTOGRAPH - HFSID 295218Shown in combat fatigues, inscribed with "thanks for your support in this Global War on Terrorism" Photograph inscribed and signed: "Jeffrey -/Thanks for your support in this/Global War on Terrorism. Good/luck!/Mastin Robeson/B Gen USMC/Commander,CJTF HoA". Color, 8x10.
Price: $140.00