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The Czech-Canadian figure skater and politician sends letter of thanks to an admirer, signs name in blue ink Typed letter signed: "Otto Jelinek" in blue ink. 1 page, 8½x11. Written on Canadian Minister of State letterhead. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. December 20, 1984.

Price: $180.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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The Czech-Canadian figure skater and politician sends letter of thanks to an admirer, signs name in blue ink
Typed letter signed: "Otto Jelinek" in blue ink. 1 page, 8½x11. Written on Canadian Minister of State letterhead. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. December 20, 1984. Addressed to Mr. John Buchanan of Downsview, Ontario. In full: "Thank you for your letter of November 16th and for your kind words of congratulation. It is heartening to hear from one of the many teachers out there who are concerned about the future of our country and about the kind of people who will populate it in just a few years. Keep up the good work. I am happy to enclose two photographs [not included]. Best wishes for the holiday season and throughout the academic year. Yours sincerely". Otto Jelinek (b. 1940) is a Canadian businessman, politician and former figure skater. His family fled from Czechoslovakia in 1948 at the beginning of the Cold War; growing up, Jelinek made a name for himself as a pair skater with his sister Maria, scoring as the 1962 World Champions and the 1961 North American National Champions, placing 4th in the 1960 Winter Olympics. He toured with the Ice Capades, and was inducted into the Canada Sports Hall of Fame in 1962. He opened a business, Canadian Skate Industries after retirement, and was elected into the House of Commons in 1972. While in office, he served as Minister of State for Fitness and Amateur Sport, Multiculturalism, Supply and Services, and National Revenue. Most recently, Jelinek has moved to the Czech Republic, where he has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Deloitte & Touche Central Europe, as well Chairman of the society Olympiad for Czech Repulic, which campaigned for Prague to be host of the 2020 Olympics. Normal mailing folds. Toned. Creased along right edge. Corners rounded. Small stains throughout. Otherwise, fine condition.

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