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The popular radio and TV personality thanks the producer at an advertising agency for "sending along the prints from the Bayer Aspirin Commercial" that he did for the company in 1972, the year before his sitcom, Ozzie's Girls, premiered. TLS: "Ozzie", 1p, 7¼x½.

Price: $220.00

Condition: Slightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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The popular radio and TV personality thanks the producer at an advertising agency for "sending along the prints from the Bayer Aspirin Commercial" that he did for the company in 1972, the year before his sitcom, Ozzie's Girls, premiered.
TLS: "Ozzie", 1p, 7¼x½. No place, but probably Hollywood, California, 1972 March 23. On sheet imprinted with his name to "Dear Ray" (Ray Price). In full: "Just a few lines to thank you for sending along the prints from the Bayer Aspirin Commercial. Your thoughtfulness was much appreciated. Best personal regards. As ever". Lightly creased with folds, not at signature. ¼-inch tear at lower blank edge. Fine condition. Accompanied by TNS: "Ray Richards", 1p, 8½x11. No place, no date. Headed: "Ozzie Nelson". In full: "Ozzie Nelson wrote and produced one of the most popular and well-known TV series ever, 'The Ozzie and Harriet Show' with his wife Harriet and their two sons. Our advertising agency with client Bayer Aspirin had chosen Ozzie Nelson to do 2 commercials for us back in 1973. His two notes to me as producer indicate his friendly, sincere personality. Both notes are on his personal stationary (sic)". Slightly creased. Three file holes at blank right margin. Fine condition. Nelson actually made his commercial for Bayer Aspirin in 1972. Bayer Aspirin had previously been a sponsor of a number of radio shows. Radio and television stars Ozzie and Harriet Nelson are best known for their TV show, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet (1952-1965), which also starred their two real-life sons, David and Ricky (later Rick) Nelson. Ozzie not only acted in the situation comedy, he was the show's producer, director and head writer. The couple had originated the show on CBS Radio, beginning in 1944, and there was also a feature film version, Here Come the Nelsons (1952), that helped to launch the successful TV show. In 1932, HARRIET HILLIARD (1909-1994), born Peggy Lou Snyder, began singing with the band formed by OZZIE NELSON (1907-1975) two years earlier. They married on October 6, 1935. Two items.

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