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DuChaillu responds to a request with a broad travel schedule! Autograph Letter Signed: "Yours truly/P.B Du Chaillu", 1p, 4½x7. New York, 1857 June 14. To Hiram Rich, Esqr. Begins: "Dear Sir". In full: "Your note of June 3d has just come by my hands.…"

Price: $550.00

Condition: Lightly creased, Lightly soiled, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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DuChaillu responds to a request with a broad travel schedule!
Autograph Letter Signed: "Yours truly/P.B Du Chaillu", 1p, 4½x7. New York, 1857 June 14. To Hiram Rich, Esqr. Begins: "Dear Sir". In full: "Your note of June 3d has just come by my hands. In answer I will state that I am going to Europe next month. On my return in September I will be happy to communicate with you on the subject of your note." Paul Belloni Du Chaillu, the son of a French trader, had spent his youth in Gabon, French Equatorial Africa. After immigrating to the U.S., he led an exploring expedition to central Africa (1855-1859), bringing back many previously unknown birds and animals, including the first gorillas seen in America. On his second expedition (1863-1865), he verified rumors about pygmy tribes living in the forests of central Africa. Among his books are Stories of the Gorilla Country (1868), Lost in the Jungle (1869) and The Country of the Dwarfs (1871). Du Chaillu, whose date of birth is given as 1831 and 1835 in different sources, died in 1903. Ink notes (unknown hand, but likely Rich's) regarding follow-up letters at lower margin. Docketed on verso of integral leaf. Lightly creased, vertical fold touches the "B" in signature. Lightly soiled at right margin. Tape remnants at blank area of integral leaf at mid-vertical fold. Overall, fine condition.

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