Price: $700.00
Book review - handwritten and signed "P.S.B." by Buck - for China Under
the Empress Dowager. This is a subject that Buck had some experience with,
as she lived in China during the last years of the Empress Doawager Tzu Hsi's
Autograph manuscript signed: "P.S.B.", with editorial marks and
corrections, 1 page, 8½x11, on ruled paper. Titled: "China Under
the Empress Dowager by J.O.P./Bland and E. Backhouse". This is a review
for a book about China's Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi. Buck had some firsthand
knowledge about this subject, because she grew up in China during the last 16
years of Tzu Hsi's reign and life. Buck wrote essays and reviews for magazines
like Asia (which she also edited), The Nation, The Chinese
Review and Atlantic Monthly. Buck (1892-1973), born to
Presbyterian missionaries, spent the first forty years of her life in China, the
setting of many of her books. She was the first American woman to win the
Nobel Prize in Literature (1938). Best known for her novels about
China (including The Good Earth; 1932 Pulitzer Prize for
Fiction), Buck wrote over 70 novels as well as biographies, an autobiography
(My Several Worlds, 1954), dramas, children's literature and
translations from the Chinese. Lightly toned and creased. Two paperclip
impressions at top edge. Three torn binder holes on left edge. Otherwise, fine
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