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As Mayor of San Diego, the future US Senator and Governor extends his best wishes to radio and TV host, George Sanders. Autograph Note signed "To George/Best wishes/Pete Wilson/2/10/78" in blue ink. Blue ink notations near bottom edge. 5¼x7¾.

Sale Price $85.00

Reg. $100.00

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As Mayor of San Diego, the future US Senator and Governor extends his best wishes to radio and TV host, George Sanders.
Autograph Note signed "To George/Best wishes/Pete Wilson/2/10/78" in blue ink.Blue ink notations near bottom edge. 5¼x7¾. Republican politician Wilson, born in 1933, has a long career in California politics, serving on the state assembly (1967-1971) and as Mayor of San Diego (1971-1982), U. S. Senator from California (1983-1991) and Governor of California (1991-1999). A fiscal conservative as mayor and Senator and strong supporter of national defense and President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative in Washington, D. C., he angered conservatives during his first year as governor by raising state taxes (in the land of Ronald Reagan, no less) by $7 billion to cover a deficit left over from the administration of George Deukmejian. But Wilson generally made headlines for more conservative actions, including his support for "Three Strikes" sentencing requirements, enacted in California in 1994, and for 1994's Proposition 187, which barred illegal immigrants from social services, health care and public education; resuming the death penalty in California; reducing infrastructure spending; and, in 1995, convincing the University of California's Board of Regents to eliminate their affirmative action policies, thus becoming the first state to eliminate racial preferences in college admissions. George R. Sanders, originally a disc jockey, became a prominent radio/TV interview host, first in Los Angeles and later in Portland. Lightly toned and creased. Torn from binding at left edge. Otherwise in fine condition.

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