Broadway Play Casts
Top Signers
3 HOTELS PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 285039Both sign the front cover of the Playbill for a production of the Circle Repertory Theatre Show Bill signed: "Ron Rifkin", "Christine/Lahti", 67 pages, 6½x9. RON RIFKIN may be best known as the duplicitous Arvin Sloane on the TV series Alias (2001-2006).
Price: $340.00
6 RMS RIV VU BROADWAY CAST - INSCRIBED SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 321166Stars of 6 Rms Riv Vu Orbach and Alexander sign a playbill from the show. Inscribed show bill signed: "For Larry-/Best Wishes/Jane Alexander", "To Larry/Jerry Orbach", 32 pages, 5½x9. "Playbill Magazine" for 6 Rms Riv Vu at the Colonial Theatre, New York, September 1972 .
Price: $600.00
6 RMS RIV VU BROADWAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 78793Four players from the play 6 Rms Riv Vu sign the playbill cover. Playbill Cover inscribed and signed: "Jane Alexander", "To Pat/Jerry Orbach", "Pat/All the best!/Francine Beers" and "To Pat/Best Wishes/Jose Ocasio", 5½x9.
Price: $420.00
A DAY IN HOLLYWOOD/A NIGHT IN THE UKRAINE PLAY CAST - TRADING/SPORTS CARD UNSIGNED - HFSID 306659Limited edition Playbill trading card, portraying the cover and opening night cast page for the Broadway show. Trading Card unsigned, Playbill trading card, for a performance of A Day in Hollywood / A Night in the Ukraine, on opening night, May 1, 1980, at New York's John Golden Theatre.
Price: $20.00
A DELICATE BALANCE PLAY CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 342338Cast members Grizzard and Harris sign promotional photo in black ink Photograph signed: "George Grizzard" and "Rosemary/ Harris" in black ink. B/w, 10x7, featuring 4½x6½ image of both Grizzard and Harris.
Price: $220.00
A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295938Playbill signed by ten cast members and two guests at the first Broadway revival of the popular musical comedy Show Bill signed: "Kerry McGrath", "Trudy Carson", "Love & Peace/John Hansen", "Lauren", "Keita", "Pamela Hall", "Lisabeth/Pritchett",
Price: $420.00
A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295744Signed by cast members and guests at the first Broadway revival of the popular musical comedy Show Bill signed: "John/Hansen", "Keita", "Lauren Lucas", "Trudy/Carson", "Kerry McGrath" and 2 unidentified signers. In all 7 signatures. 32 pages, 5½x9.
Price: $420.00
A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN FILM PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 320697A playbill for A History of the American Film signed by Maureen Anderman, Swoosie Kurtz, Brent Spiner, April Shawhan, David Garrison, and 5 others Show bill signed: "Gary Bayer", "Jeff/Brooks", "April/Shawhan", "Mary Catherine/Wright", "Brent/Spiner", "Maureen Anderman", "Swoosie Kurtz",
Price: $300.00
A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN FILM PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 314797Swoosie Kurts, April Shawhan, Christopher Durang and Judith Gordon sign on a Playbill for a production of A History of the American Film Show bill signed: "Judith Gordon", "Chris Durang", "Swoosie Kurtz", "April Shawan", in blue ink, 66 pages, 5&
Price: $300.00
A LIFE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301505Playbill signed on their cover pictures by Pat Hingle and Roy Dotrice. Dotrice received a Tony nomination for this 1980 play Show Bill signed: "Pat Hingle" and "Roy Dotrice" in blue felt tip, 98p, 5½x9.
Sale Price $115.00
A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 314561Emlyn Williams and George Rose sign their names on a Playbill for a production of A Man For All Seasons Show bill signed: "George Rose", "Emlyn/Williams", in black ink, 42 pages, 6x9.
Price: $220.00
A MUSICAL JUBILEE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301534Seven members of this star-studded production sign the cast page of the Playbill Show Bill signed: "Lillian Gish", "John Raitt", "Cyril Ritchard", "Patrice Munsel", "Tammy Grimes", "Dick Shawn", "Larry Kert", 60 pages,
Price: $260.00
A PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE PLAY CAST - PROGRAM SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 168914This 11x14 program for the play “A Partridge in a Pear Tree” is signed by both starring actors Program signed: on inside cover “To Danny Rentz/Bestests/Clarissa Kaye/and” in purple felt, “James Mason” in grey felt. 12 pages, 11x14.
Sale Price $165.00
A PATRIOT FOR ME PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 3092228 Signatures on the cast page of the Playbill for the original Broadway production include Salome Jens, Dennis King, Keene Curtis and Richard Jordan Show Bill signed: "Dennis King", "Thank you/Warren/Burton", "Ed Zimmerman", "Richard/Jordan", "K…"
Price: $260.00
A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE PLAY CAST - TRADING/SPORTS CARD UNSIGNED - HFSID 306676Limited edition Playbill trading card, portraying the cover and opening night cast page for the Broadway show. Trading Card unsigned, Playbill trading card, for a performance of A Streetcar Named Desire, on opening night, March 10, 1988, at New York's Circle in the Square Theater.
Price: $20.00
A TEXAS TRILOGY PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301530Star Diane Ladd and 8 other actors sign the cast page of this Playbill. Show Bill signed: "God Bless/Diane Ladd", "Baxter Harris", "Avril Gentles", "Patrick Hines", "Walter/Flanagan", "Thomas Toner", "Graham/Beckel", "Everett McGill", "James Staley", 42 pages, 5½x9.
Sale Price $275.00
A VISIT TO A SMALL PLANET PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED CIRCA 1957 WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 322049Cast members Ritchard and Mayehoff signs play bill for their show A Visit to a Small Planet Show Bill signed: "Cyril Ritchard" and "Eddie Mayehoff" in black ink. 22 pages, 6¾x9, affixed to 9x12 piece of construction paper.
Price: $160.00
A WALK IN THE WOODS PLAY CAST - TRADING/SPORTS CARD UNSIGNED - HFSID 306686Limited edition Playbill trading card, portraying the cover and opening night cast page for the Broadway show. Trading Card unsigned, Playbill trading card, for a performance of a Walk in the Woods, on opening night, February 28, 1988, at New York's The Booth Theatre. Fine condition.
Price: $20.00
ABSURD PERSON SINGULAR BROADWAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 295741The two Tony Award winners sign a Playbill for a presentation of Absurd Person Singular Program signed: "Fritz Weaver" and "Carole Shelley", 50 pages, 5½x9. For a presentation of Absurd Person Singular at The Music Box.
Price: $260.00
ABSURD PERSON SINGULAR BROADWAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 343784The five actors sign this Playbill for the production of "Absurd Person Singular" at The Music Box Theatre in Chicago Show bill signed: "Geraldine Page", "Tony Roberts", "Carole Shelley", "Larry Blyden", and "…"
Sale Price $325.00
ACCOMPLICE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301704The writer and cast sign a Playbill for a presentation of the 1990 show at the Richard Rodgers Theatre. Show Bill signed: "Jason Alexander", "Michael/McKean", "Natalija/Nogulich", "Pamela/Brull" and "Rupert Holmes", 70 pages, 5½x8½.
Price: $320.00
AGNES OF GOD - PLAY CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED POSTER WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 221994The actresses in Agnes of God sign a color 14x22 poster for the play. Poster signed: "Elizabeth Ashley", "Mercedes/McCambridge" and "Maryann Plunkett". Color, 14x22. The Playhouse Theatre Du Pont Bldg., Wilmington, Delaware, November 7-12 (1983).
Price: $320.00
AH, WILDERNESS! PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 314588Geraldine Fitzgerald and Larry Gates sign on a Playbill for a production of Ah, Wilderness! Show bill signed: "Geraldine/Fitzgerald", "Larry Gates", 60 pages, 6x9. Playbill for a production of Ah, Wilderness! at the Circle in the Square Theatre.
Price: $320.00
AIN'T MISBEHAVIN' BROADWAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 309109Cast members Teresa Bowers, Ken Prymus, Adrian Lenox, and Roz Ryan sign on this Playbill of the musical Ain't Misbehavin' Show bill signed: "God Bless/ Teresa Bowers", "Stay Happy/ Ken Prymus", "Thanks/ Adriane/ Lenox", "Thank/ You/ Roz/ Ryan",
Price: $300.00
ALL MY SONS PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 314543Richard Kiley and Joyce Ebert sign their names on a Playbill for a production of All My Sons Show bill signed: "Joyce/Ebert", "Richard Kiley", in blue felt tip, 70 pages, 5½x8½.
Price: $220.00
ALONE TOGETHER PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301553Playbill signed on the cast page by 5 performers Show Bill signed: "Janis Paige", "Kevin McCarthy", "Don Howard", "Alexandra Gersten", "Dennis Drake", 86 pages, 5½x8½. Playbill for a production of Alone Together at the Music Box (New York), dated October 8, 1984.
Sale Price $450.00
ALONE TOGETHER PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301703Playbill signed on the cast page by 6 performers Show Bill signed: "Janis Paige", "Kevin McCarthy", "Don Howard", "Alexandra/Gersten", "Dennis/Drake", "Kevin O'Rourke", 86 pages, 5½x8½.
Price: $550.00
ALPHA BETA PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 343775This playbill for the production of "Alpha Beta" is signed by the actors, writer and director Show bill signed: "Good/Luck John Berry" in blue ink, "Regards/EA Whitehead" in black ink, "Laurence G Luckinbill" and "Kathryn Walker" in blue felt.
Price: $320.00
AND MISS REARDON DRINKS A LITTLE PLAY CAST - AUTOGRAPHED SIGNED PHOTOGRAPH WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 320695A publicity shot for the play And Miss Reason Dirnks a Little, signed by Julie Harris and Nancy Marchand Photograph signed: "Julie/Harris/Carroll", "Nancy/Marchand", B/w 10x8. JULIE HARRIS (1925-2013) has six Tony Awards, the most ever won by a performer.
Price: $280.00
AND MISS REARDON DRINKS A LITTLE PLAY CAST - SHOW BILL SIGNED WITH CO-SIGNERS - HFSID 301558Playbill for a presentation of And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little at the Morosco Theatre, signed by the Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, a six-time Tony Award winner and two Tony Award nominees.
Sale Price $245.00