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Partly Printed DS: "Andrew Johnson" as President and "Hugh McCulloch" as Secretary of the Treasury, 1p, 17x14. Washington, 1866 February 20. Appointment of Jeremiah S. Putnam as Collector of Customs for the District of York in the state of Maine.

Price: $3,000.00

Condition: Lightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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ANDREW JOHNSON and HUGH McCULLOCH. Partly Printed DS: "Andrew Johnson" as President and "Hugh McCulloch" as Secretary of the Treasury, 1p, 17x14. Washington, 1866 February 20. Appointment of Jeremiah S. Putnam as Collector of Customs for the District of York in the state of Maine. McCULLOCH was Secretary of the Treasury under Lincoln, JOHNSON (1865-1869) and Arthur (1884-1885). Under Johnson, he pursued a policy of reducing the federal war debt and carefully reintroduced federal taxation in the South. He was an untiring advocate of the gold standard, opposed to reliance on "greenbacks" during the Civil War. Lightly creased. Folds, not at signatures. Chipped at blank right margin at horizontal folds, nicked at lower left blank edge. ¾- and ½-inch separations at blank left edge (all paper intact). Shaded at blank right edge. Contemporary file notes (unknown hand) at left corners. Overall, fine condition.

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