Price: $2,250.00
The former President sends thanks for remarks about his speech on the fairness of taxes,
"The Obligations of Wealth".
Manuscript LS: "Benj Harrison", 1p, 5x8. Indianapolis, Ind., 1898 March 15. To Rev.
William C. Rommel, Philadelphia, Pa. In full: "I have your letter of the 12th inst, and beg to
thank you for your kind remarks about my Chicago speech." On February 22, 1898, Harrison
made a speech before the Union League Club of Chicago entitled, "The Obligations of
Wealth". The speech, in part: "We assemble on this anniversary of the birth of
Washington…as to learn from him the lessons of conscience citizenship…In choosing for my
theme, 'The Obligations of Wealth,' I am not wresting this anniversary from its legitimate
use…we cannot forget Washington when we reflect upon our obligations to the
state…Wealth is a comparative term…I want to speak of the obligations of the 'well-to-do'
people, the forehanded, prosperous men and women of our communities, whether their
estates are reckoned by thousands or by millions…One man sees that his neighbor is not
making a conscientious tax return, and that if he returns his property honestly he will pay
disproportionately. The result is that his conscience finds a salve in saying, 'Everybody does
it.'…Mr. Lincoln's startling declaration that this country could not continue to exist half slave
and half free may be paraphrased today by saying…this country cannot continue to exist half
taxed and half free…What has already been accomplished in Chicago gives a gratifying
hope…that will relieve our states from the scandals and fraud which have characterized the
administration of the tax laws…the sense of injury is so strong that ways will be found, I fear,
to exact more than is equal. To do justice is the best safeguard against injustice!!" Mounting
strip affixed along top edge of verso shows through. Lightly shaded across bottom margin.
Engraved address transferred at bottom margin from being folded. Letter is encapsulated.
Overall, fine condition. Accompanied by a photocopy of the speech from Views of an
Ex-President, pages 331-357, published in 1901, the year of his death. Stapled at upper left
corner. Fine condition. Two items.
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