Sale Price $1,350.00
Reg. $1,600.00
Dwight D. Eisenhower sends a typed letter discussing the possibility
for parole for a prisoner.
Typed Letter Signed: "Dwight D. Eisenhower" as Chief of
Staff, 1p, 7x9. War Department, Washington, 1947 May 12. To Harry H.
Woodring, Topeka, Kansas, FDR's Secretary of War (1936-1940). In
full: "Thank you for your recent letter regarding the possibility of a
parole for Floyd W. Spangler. In October 1946, Spangler was denied parole due to
the short time served for the offense committed, but was recommended for
reconsideration this year. As you know, the matter is outside the scope of my
responsibility, being handled by the Under Secretary of War. I have learned,
however, that a new application for parole in this case is to be considered at
an early date and am requesting that you be given further word concerning the
decision reached as a result of this review." On September 17, 1947, four
months after this letter was written, the War Department ceased to exist. On
that date, the Defense Department replaced the Departments of War and Navy in
the President's Cabinet and the U.S. Army Air Force was replaced by the U.S. Air
Force. Five-Star General Eisenhower, Chief of Staff since November 19, 1945,
became the first Chief of Staff under the unification of the Armed Services.
In December 1943, Eisenhower had become Supreme Commander of the Allied
Expeditionary Force. In that capacity, he oversaw the D-Day landings and the
subsequent campaigns leading to the surrender of Germany. Eisenhower was
promoted to the Five-Star rank of General of the Army in December 1944; the
temporary rank was made permanent in April 1946. Lightly creased, else fine
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