Price: $600.00
Christmas letter on White House stationery to his World War II
aide-de-camp, Ernest "Tex" Lee, sending him a lithograph from one of his
Typed Letter signed: "D.E." as President, 1 page, 7x9.
Washington, D.C., 1955 December 17. On White House letterhead to Mr.
Ernest Rose Lee, Indianapolis, Indiana. In full: "Dear Tex, In the
past I have inflicted on you lithographic reproductions of one or more of my
'paintings'. This year I was persuaded to try my hand at a scene near my
favorite fishing camp in Fraser, Colorado. The result comes to you with my usual
hesitation, but nonetheless with my best wishes for a happy holiday season for
the entire Lee family. [Item not included.] With warm regards,
Sincerely". Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) commanded the US Army in
Europe from June 1942 to December 1943, during which time he directed the
victorious campaigns in North Africa and Sicily. At his side throughout was
Colonel Ernest "Tex" Lee, his executive officer and aide-de-camp. Lee remained
with Eisenhower when in 1944 he became Supreme Commander of the Allied
Expeditionary Forces, planning the Normandy Invasion and the drive across France
into Germany. Ike was US Army Chief of Staff and President of Columbia
University before winning the first of his two terms as President. As
President (1953-1961), Eisenhower - an amateur painter - often gave gifts of
lithographs based on his paintings to friends and staff. As this letter
attests, Tex Lee was on this gift list. One horizontal mailing fold. Corners
lightly worn. Fine condition.
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