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Gerald R. Ford signs a pamphlet from The Friends of The Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum. Pamphlet signed: "Gerald R. Ford", 11x8½ (open), 3¾x8½ (closed). Signed on cover. On August 9, 1974, Gerald R.

Sale Price $195.00

Reg. $240.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Gerald R. Ford signs a pamphlet from The Friends of The Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum.
Pamphlet signed: "Gerald R. Ford", 11x8½ (open), 3¾x8½ (closed). Signed on cover. On August 9, 1974, Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006) was sworn in as the nation's 38th President (1974-1977) following the resignation of Richard Nixon. Ford had previously served as Nixon's Vice President (1973-1974) following the resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew, becoming the only man to have held both of the nation's highest offices without being elected to either. Ford, who was previously a U.S. Congressman from Michigan (1949-1973; Minority Leader, 1965-1973), lost his bid for election to a full four-year term partially as a result of his controversial pardon of his predecessor. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1999. Ford was the nation's longest-lived former President, passing Ronald Reagan, who also died at the age of 93. Fine condition.

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