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After China's gift of live pandas, toy manufacturer David Marx sends toy versions to the former President. Typed Letter Signed: "L.B.J.", 1p, 7x9. Austin, Texas, 1972 June 16. To toy maker David H. Marx.

Price: $750.00

Condition: Lightly creased, otherwise fine condition Add to watchlist:
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After China's gift of live pandas, toy manufacturer David Marx sends toy versions to the former President.
Typed Letter Signed: "L.B.J.", 1p, 7x9. Austin, Texas, 1972 June 16. To toy maker David H. Marx. In full: "Thank you for thinking once again of the young and the not-so-young down here on the banks of the Perdernales. We're happy you sent such a generous supply of the small toy pandas. I know these little bears are going to give rise to many happy little smiles and some big ones, too. Your toys and your thoughtfulness have that effect on people and we continue to be grateful that we have you for a friend." The LBJ Ranch is on the banks of the Perdernales River in Texas. President Nixon had visited the Peoples Republic of China, February 21-28, 1972. Following his return home, China sent two giant pandas to the United States. Toy pandas were very much in demand by youngsters. Former President Johnson died seven months later on January 22, 1973, at the age of 64. Lightly creased. Fine condition.

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