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Signatures on an otherwise blank sheet of onion skin paper Signatures: "Anne L. Armstrong", "Richard Nixon/2-27-73", 1 page, 3¾x6¼. Accompanied by typed letter on White House letterhead, to "W" from "E.…"

Price: $380.00

Condition: Fine condition Add to watchlist:
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Signatures on an otherwise blank sheet of onion skin paper
Signatures: "Anne L. Armstrong", "Richard Nixon/2-27-73", 1 page, 3¾x6¼. Accompanied by typed letter on White House letterhead, to "W" from "E." Typed text: "Attached you will find signature which has been authorized for purposes of reproduction." RICHARD M. NIXON (1913-1994), was elected 37th President (1969-1974) of the U.S. in 1968 after representing California in the U.S. House of Representatives (1947-1951) and U.S. Senate (1951-1953) and serving two terms as Dwight D. Eisenhower's Vice President. Nixon lost (1960), then won (1968), extremely close Presidential elections (facing John F. Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey, respectively), then won re-election by a landslide against George McGovern in 1972. His re-election triumph rapidly turned sour, however, as the burgeoning Watergate scandal claimed more and more of his key aides and finally compelled his own resignation. A pragmatic conservative who gained an early reputation as an anti-Communist, Nixon would achieve diplomatic triumphs in relations with China and the Soviet Union. At home, Nixon initiated plans to improve the environment and added four conservative justices, including Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, to the U.S. Supreme Court. The first President to employ the 25th Amendment, he chose Gerald R. Ford to replace the resigning Spiro T. Agnew as his Vice President. Nixon's prolific writings in his retirement years hastened his re-emergence as an elder statesman. A prominent Texas Republican, ANNE ARMSTRONG (1927-2008) served was the first woman appointed Counselor to the President (with Cabinet rank) by Presidents Nixon and Ford (1973-1974). She was Ambassador to Great Britain (1976-1977), and chaired the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (1981-1990). She has served on many corporate boards, including American Express, Boise Cascade, Halliburton and General Motors. President Reagan awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1987). Armstrong signature slightly smudged. Otherwise, fine condition.

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