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Warren G. Harding sends a typed letter saying that right know there is no openings. Typed Letter Signed: "Warren G. Harding" as President, 1p, 6¾x8¾, affixed to board of same size. The White House, Washington, 1922 January 12. To Mr. W.E. Ryan, Washington, D.C.

Price: $1,600.00

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Warren G. Harding sends a typed letter saying that right know there is no openings.
Typed Letter Signed: "Warren G. Harding" as President, 1p, 6¾x8¾, affixed to board of same size. The White House, Washington, 1922 January 12. To Mr. W.E. Ryan, Washington, D.C. In full: "U had your letter of the latter part of December, which was addressed to Mrs. Harding, and read with very genuine interest. Ordinarily it is not my fortune to go into letters of such length because I have not the time at my command. But your expressions of friendly interest and your recital of your family affairs riveted my attention. I wish I could write you with a favoring reply. The difficulty in the situation is that the Assistant Register is a very excellent gentleman who belongs to the party now in power, and who has served with me in promoting the interests of the party. He comes from my home state and is a nephew of the late Senator Foraker. His friends are urging him very strongly for this position and I find myself very much disposed to meet their wishes. If there develops a situation in which I can recognize both your capacity and devotion it will be a pleasure to do so. I cannot at the moment tell you how or when this may be done. With very best wishes, I am, Very truly yours," Republican JOSEPH B. FORAKER (1846-1917) represented Ohio in the U.S. Senate from 1897-1909. It is known that HARDING was a man who could not say "no" to his friends. In fact, his father once told him that it was good that he had not been born "a gal" or else he would have been "in the family way all the time". Harding had appointed friends to important positions and it was his friends who betrayed him. Worn condition. Creased with folds touching signature. Soiled. File and staple holes at upper margin. Paper clip impression at upper left.

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