Price: $1,000.00
Signed color photo, giving a radio address from the Oval Office, captioned with an
excerpt from an actual radio address he gave in 1994.
Photograph signed: "Bill Clinton/11/2/07". Color 10x8 cardstock. Printed caption is an excerpt
from a radio address he delivered on February 12, 1994. Clinton, born William Jefferson
Blythe III in Hope, Arkansas in 1946, was Governor of Arkansas (1979-1981, 1983-1992)
before taking this Oath twice, as the first Democrat re-elected President since FDR. The
only elected U.S. President to be impeached (Andrew Johnson was impeached, but he had
not been elected to the office), Clinton was acquitted in 1999 on both articles of
impeachment brought against him: charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. Clinton's
popularity stood at 67% at the end of his trial, however. Obviously, many Americans were
willing to overlook his personal failings in an era of peace and prosperity. His
accomplishments in office included a waiting period for gun purchases (the Brady Law), the
Family and Medical Leave Act, the North American Free Trade Agreement, welfare reform
and balancing of the federal budget. Clinton had previously co-written (with Al Gore) Putting
People First (1992), and he would publish his autobiography, My Life, in 2004. Clinton's
wife, former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, was US Senator from New York and a
2008 Presidential candidate before accepting the post of Secretary of State in the Obama
administration. Bill Clinton himself remains an important public figure, whose initiatives
include many humanitarian led jointly with the man he defeated in 1992: George Bush. Fine
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